Outlands Scribes Handbook

Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen (CBP)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Arts & Sciences)

What for: Awarded to those persons who have enriched the Arts and Sciences of the Barony of Unser Hafen through service, teaching, and skills. The insignia of the Order shall consist of a medallion pendant from a green ribbon bearing the registered Badge of the Order.
Badge: (Fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by a candle in its holder Or.

Builders of the Portcullis - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

Version 1 (long)

The foundations of a Barony rest upon the skills of its craftsmen, artisans, and scholars. These loyal subjects do clothe our nobles, arm our fighters, entertain our populace, and lay great feasts upon the boards. The Barony of Unser Hafen is well blessed with many good gentles skilled in Arts and Letters, who brighten our fair Barony with works of beauty and renown.

Among these pearls of the Barony is the good ________, whose mastery of (art or science) pleases us well. In recognition of the worth of [his/her/their] skills we, ___________, Baron of Unser Hafen, and ____________, Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Right Noble Order of the Builders of the Portcullis. Further, we do charge [Lord/Lady/?Noble] ______ to continue to grace Unser Hafen as [he/she/them] has done in the past, giving unto our fair Barony a wealth of experience and beauty. {In token of our high esteem, we bestow upon [him/her/them] the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A portcullis vert debruised by a candle in its holder Or.}

Done by our hands this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.


Version 2 (short)

A Barony may not flourish without gifted artists, craftsmen and scholars. Works of beauty and renown are their daily [wares/measure (use "wares" when the recipient's primary skill is in making a tangible product, use "measure" when the skill is in performance, archery, or a similar field that does not have a tangible end product)].

Among these pearls of the Barony is the good ________, whose great skill and talent in the art of _________ (art or science) gain the admiration of all. In recognition of the worth of [his/her/them] skills, we,______, Baron of Unser Hafen, and ______, Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Builders of the Portcullis. May [he/she/them] always grace our fair Barony as [he/she/them] has done in the past. {In token of our high esteem, we bestow upon [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A portcullis vert debruised by a candle in its holder Or.}

Done by our hands this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ of the Common Era.


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Corona Graminea of Unser Hafen (CCG)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Fighting Service at War)

What for: Given for fighting service to the barony at War.
Badge: Vert, in pale a portcullis and an annulet, within an orle of grain heads Or.
Notes: The award consists of a crown of grasses.

Corona Graminea - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

No scroll text

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Epona of Unser Hafen (COE)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Equestrian)

What for: Given for enriching the Equestrian Arts of the Barony of Unser Hafen through service, teaching and skills.
Badge: (Fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by a stirrup Or.

Epona - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

The Riders of Unser Hafen are the cavalry of our fair Barony. To gain favor, an equestrian must display mounted discipline and skill, be always courteous, and be willing to share [his/her/their] wealth of skill and knowledge.

Such an equestrian is our good subject ______, who has demonstrated merit in all these endeavors. Therefore do we, ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Order of Epona of Unser Hafen. In token of our high esteem, we confer upon _______ the right to wear the badge of the Order, to wit: Fieldless, A portcullis vert debruised by a stirrup Or.

Done by our hands this _____ day of ______, Anno Societatis ______,, being ____ in the common era.


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Golden Columbine of Unser Hafen (CGC)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Nobility of Spirit and Persona)

What for: Awarded to those persons whose personae and demeanors capture the noble spirit of the dream and who serve as shining examples to us all.
Badge: (Fieldless) On a portcullis vert a columbine flower contourny Or.

Golden Columbine - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

Version 1 (long)

The subjects of the Barony of Unser Hafen have mastered many arts. our populace is well versed in the courtly arts and in the arts of war. Our artisans and scholars are renowned throughout the Kingdom for their skills, and our fighters for their might. All of our subjects are courteous and truly noble. Yet amongst us are those who inspire us all with their courtesy and manner, those whose personae and demeanors capture the noble spirit of the dream and who serve as shining examples to us all.

Such a noble is __________, whom we, ________, Baron of Unser Hafen, and _________, Baroness of Unser Hafen, are thus pleased to proclaim as a Companion of the Right Noble Order of the Golden Columbine. {In token of our high esteem, we convey unto [him/her/them] the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: On a portcullis vert a columbine flower contourny Or.} Further, we do charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] _______ to continue to grace Unser Hafen as [he/she/them] has done in the past, giving unto our fair Barony a wealth of experience and kindness.

Done by our hands this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.


Version 2 (short)

In The Barony of Unser Hafen, we have chosen to recognize those fine gentles whose courtesy and manner are impeccable and whose personae and demeanors exemplify the aims of the Society and fire the noble spirit in us all.

Such a one is the good ________, who serves as a shining beacon in our time.

Therefore do we, __________, Baron of Unser Hafen, and _________, Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim and announce [him/her/them] a Companion of the Golden Columbine. {In token of our high esteem, we bestow upon [Lord/Lady/Noble] _______ the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: On a portcullis vert a columbine flower contourny Or.} Let this gentle serve as an inspiration to us all!

Done by our hands this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ of the Common Era.


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Golden Ring of Unser Hafen (CGR)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Service/Teaching)

What for: Awarded to those persons who have enriched the Barony of Unser Hafen through service, teaching, and similar skills.
Badge: (Fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by an annulet Or.

Golden Ring - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

Version 1 (long)

A Barony is strong only when the Coronets may rely upon the aid of their subjects to help them administer the great fief placed in their care by the Crown. Service is expected of all gentles of Unser Hafen, yet there are those who pour forth their talents unstintingly, beyond what is expected. It is meet then that the Coronets reward such loyal and steadfast retainers.

Such a one is ________, who has served us well, and helped nurture that flower of the Outlands that is Unser Hafen.

Therefore do we, _________, Baron of Unser Hafen, and _________, Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Right Noble Order of the Golden Ring. {In token of our high esteem, we convey unto [him/her/them] the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A portcullis vert debruised by an annulet Or.} Further, we do charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ to continue as [he/she/them] has done in the past, giving unto our fair Barony a wealth of experience and service.

Done by our hands this ____ day of ______, Anno Societatis _____, being ____ Gregorian.


Version 2 (short)

A Barony can only be strong when it may rely upon the efforts of its subjects to administer to its daily needs. All good gentles share in the burden, but there are those who willingly give of themselves more than a Coronet may ask.

One such loyal and steadfast subject is ____________, whose service to us pleases us well.

Therefore do we, _________, Baron of Unser Hafen, and __________, Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Golden Ring. Let all praise [his/her/them] worth and talents! {In token of our high esteem, we confer upon [Lord/Lady/Noble] _______ the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A portcullis vert debruised by an annulet Or.}

Done by our hands this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ of the Common Era.


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Guardians of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen (CGP)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Archery/Thrown Weapons)

What for: Given for those persons who have enriched Archery and Thrown Weapons in the Barony of Unser Hafen through service, teaching and skills.
Badge: (Fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by a sheaf of arrows inverted Or.

Guardians of the Portcullis - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

We, _______ and _______, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen, unto all who come by these present letters send greetings. Know all that _____ has distinguished [him/herself/themself] in [his/her/their] dedication to the furtherance of the art and skill of archery (or thrown weapons).

This day, we would make [him/her/them] a Companion of the Order of the Guardians of Unser Hafen. Henceforth ______ shall bear the rights and responsibilities of a Companion of the Order, including the right to wear the badge of the Order, to wit: Fieldless, A portcullis vert debruised by a sheaf of arrows inverted Or.

Done by our hands this _____day of ______, Anno Societatis ______, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.


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Harmonia of Unser Hafen (CMP)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Musical Arts)

What for: Given for persons who have excelled in the musical arts and brought pleasure to the populace of Unser Hafen with their musical skills.
Badge: (Fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by a G-clef Or.

Harmonia - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

We, _____ and _____, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen, unto all who come to read these present letters, send greetings. In our Barony, there are those gentles whose musical talent inspires and entertains the populace. Persons who freely give of their talent to the enjoyment of all.

Know all that _____ had this day been made a Companion of the Order of the Minstrels of Unser Hafen in recognition of [his/her/their] contributions to Music in our Barony. Henceforth [he/she/they] will have all of the rights and bear the responsibilities of a Companion of the Order, including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Fieldless, A portcullis vert debruised by a G-clef Or.

Done by our hands this ______ day of ______, Anno Societatis ______, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.


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Iron Rivet of Unser Hafen (C.I.R.)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (15 yrs. of Service)

What for: Given for those gentles who have demonstrated consistent and continued support to the barony for 15 years or more.
Badge: (Fieldless) On a chainless portcullis Or, a rivet sable.

Iron Rivet - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

We, ____ and _____, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen, send greetings to our populace. Know ye that within our halls, there are gentle souls who have demonstrated continuous and ongoing service to our Barony. As mortar to brick, their knowledge and leadership reinforces the integrity of Our Home.

Therefore we are minded to admit ______ as a Companion of the Order of the Iron Rivet of Unser Hafen for [his/her/their] many years of service to our Barony. Henceforth [he/she/they] shall have all of the rights and bear the responsibilities of a Companion of the Order, including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Fieldless, On a chainless portcullis Or, a rivet sable.

Done by our hands this _____ day of _____, Anno Societis ____, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.


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Keepers of the Portcullis
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Fighting)

What for: Awarded to those persons who have enriched the Fighting Arts of the Barony of Unser Hafen through service, teaching, and skills.
Badge: (fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by a pair of spears in saltire Or.

Keepers of the Portcullis - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

Version 1 (long)

The warriors of a Barony wield their swords in defense of their Barony and its honor. These nobles, squires, and militia form an impassable barrier guarding Unser Hafen, defending the portcullis of the castle 'gainst any who would force entry. For a warrior to gain favor, [he/she/them] must be possessed of more than mere skill at arms; [he/she/they] must also be courteous and willing to share of [his/her/their] own hard-won knowledge.

Such a warrior is our good subject, _________, who has demonstrated mightiness on the field and given much time in the training of our Barony's forces.

Therefore do we, _________, Baron of Unser Hafen, and _________, Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Right Noble Order of the Keepers of the Portcullis. {In token of our high esteem, we confer upon [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A portcullis vert debruised by a pair of spears in saltire Or.} Let all to whom these presents come know of [his/her/their] worthiness and valor.

Done by our hands this ___ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being _____ Gregorian.


Version 2 (short)

The warriors of Unser Hafen are the guardians of our fair Barony. To gain favor, a fighter must display mightiness upon the field, be always courteous, and be willing to share [his/her/their] wealth of skill and knowledge.

Such a warrior is our good subject [Name of Name], who has demonstrated merit in all these endeavors.

Therefore do we, ___________, Baron of Unser Hafen, and ___________, Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Keepers of the Portcullis. {In token of our high esteem, we confer upon [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A portcullis vert debruised by a pair of spears in saltire Or.} Let all hail [his/her/their] merit and worth!

Done by our hands this ___ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ of the Common Era.


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L'ordre de la Rose d'Ore of Unser Hafen (CRO)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Light weapons)

What for: Given for a individual whose participation in light weapons battle at war greatly assisted a Unser Hafen unit to be successful per a verbal poll of unit members
Notes: This award is typically presented without a scroll so there is no text written for it.

L'Order de la Rose d'Ore - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

This award is typically presented without a scroll so there is no text written for it.

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Prima Lux of Unser Hafen (CPL)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Youth)

What for: Awarded to those members fifteen years of age or less, for service to the Barony or by achievements in the Arts & Sciences, and for chivalry and general courtesy.
Badge/Insignia: The insignia of the Order shall consist of a medallion bearing the badge of the Order: A portcullis vert debruised by a torch enflamed Or, pending approval of the College of Arms.

Prima Lux - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

Unto all who come by these letters do we, _______ and _______, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen, send greetings.

Know all that it is right and proper for those young persons whose good work has strengthened the Barony of Unser Hafen, and whose chivalrous conduct has contributed to our Society to be recognized according to their merits. Whereas ______ continues to meet these high standards, it is thus our pleasure to admit [him/her/them] into the Order of the Prima Lux. We charge [him/her/them] to continue throughout life in the spirit of this Order and of the Society.

Witnessed this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ Gregorian.


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Salt Bearer of Unser Hafen (CSB)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Work with Newcomers)

What for: Given for exceptional work with newcomers.
Badge: (Fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by a salt cellar Or.
Notes: (The salt cellar is drawn to look like a fancy goblet with a pointed lid - taken from the medallion that came with the award.)

Salt Bearer - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

The future of a Barony depends upon the efforts that are put forth today. Hospitality and generosity are the coin with which we secure prosperity and growth. There are those who open their hearts and give freely of their time to welcome those new to our Society. It is meet then that the Coronets recognize such extraordinary efforts of hospitality. Such a one is _____________, who has served us well, and helped nurture that flower of the Outlands that is Unser Hafen. Therefore do we, _________ and __________, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Right Noble Order of the Salt Bearers. May [he/she/they] continue to grace our fair Barony as [he/she/they] [has/have] done in the past.

Done by our hands this ______day of ________, Anno Societatis _______, being ____Gregorian.


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Noble's Gratitude of Unser Hafen (CNG)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Joy)

What for: Given for those demonstrated great service or by their presence and actions, at an event have brought smiles, laughter and increased the enjoyment of the event.
Badge/Insignia: (Fieldless) A portcullis vert debruised by a heart Or.
Notes: Notes: Recipients can be from either inside or outside of the barony.

Noble's Gratitude' - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

Unto all those who come by these letters do we, ___ and ____, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen, send Greetings.

There are those in the Society who, by unselfish acts for the betterment of others, have inspired ourselves and the Barony of Unser Hafen. ____ is one of those good gentles. We are minded this day to create her/him as a recipient of the Nobles Gratitude, that all may know of the great deeds [he/she/they] [has/have] done for [his/her/their] Baron and Baroness.

Done by our hands this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ___, being ____ in the common era.


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Skipping Stone of Unser Hafen (CSS)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Spreading the Dream)

What for: Given for starting the Dream in Unser Hafen and going on elsewhere and improving yourself within the Dream.
Badge: (Fieldless) On a chainless portcullis vert a fountain.

Skipping Stone - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

Hear now the words of _____ and _____, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen. As the skipping stone hits water it makes an Impact that sends ripples out over the surface of the Pond. The stone may hit two, three, or more times as it skims across the water, creating ripples with each contact. These ripples cross each other and interlink until you can hardly remember where the ripples originally started.

We in Unser Hafen are blessed with many skipping stones; their time with us may be brief, but the ripples create a motion that echoes throughout the Knowne Worlde! One such stone is _________. Because of [his/her/their] great deeds throughout the Knowne Worlde, we would make [him/her/them] a member of the Order of the Skipping Stone and charge [him/her/them] to continue [his/her/their] wonderful works. We also confer upon [him/her/them] the right to wear the badge of the order, to wit: (Fieldless) On a chainless portcullis vert a fountain.

Signed by our hands this _____day of ______, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common era.


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Stonemason of Unser Hafen (CSM)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Chivalry)

What for: Given to a person who demonstrates the highest ideals of chivalric graces and represents the essence of the Dream.
Badge: (Fieldless) On a portcullis Or, a stonemason's hammer vert.
Notes: Notes: Given once per year, newest holder carries a stone with the likeness of a totem wolf of Unser Hafen. This award does not typically get a scroll, so there is no scroll text for it.

Stonemason' - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

No Scroll Text

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Torch Bearer of Unser Hafen (CTB)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Service to Coronets)

What for: Given for those persons who have given extraordinary service to the Coronet during their tenure.
Badge: (Fieldless) A Flame proper, overall a portcullis vert.

Torch Bearer - Unser Hafen

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Scroll Text:

We, as Land Holders for the Crown, require assistance to fulfill our many duties and obligations. This support is crucial for our success of rule and for the preservation of our energies. Our good and valued subject _________ has greatly assisted us during our tenure with [his/her/their] unwavering support in diverse areas.

Therefore do we, ________ and ________, Baron and Baroness of Unser Hafen, proclaim [him/her/them] a Companion of the Right Noble Order of the Torch Bearers of Unser Hafen. May [he/she/them] continue to lighten the loads of others and brighten the path [he/she/they] walks. We also bestow upon [him/her/them] the right to wear the badge of the Order, to wit: (Fieldless) A Flame proper, overall a portcullis vert.

Done by our hands this ______ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ Gregorian


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