Outlands Scribes Handbook

March, Anno Societatis XXXVIII (2004) - Baroness Nadrah bint Lu'lu' al-Qadisi
Revised May, A.S. XXXIX (2004) - Mistress Bennet Murray
Revised September, A.S. LVI (2021) - Honorable Noble Cuhelyn of Northanhymbre (Lyn)
Honorable Noble Cuhelyn of Northanhymbre (Lyn)
(Jaimie MacAndrew)
(Last revised on September 2021
Last published March 2000)
Dedicated to the Scribes of the Outlands,
who donate their time and skills
for the glory of their Kingdom
This work constitutes the March, A.S. 38 (2004) edition of the Kingdom of the Outlands Scribe's Handbook. The policies, standard scroll texts, and requirements presented herein supersede those of any previous Outlands kingdom or principality handbook. This handbook may be reproduced without restrictions for use within the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Cover art by: Mistress Eirene Tzimiskina Kontostephanina
Mistress Bennet Murray
Maestra Maria Sol de Leon
Mistress Eirene Tzimiskina Kontostephanina
Mistress Tatiana Pavlovna Sokolova
Master Demetrios ho Bibliophilos
Maistre Louis-Philippe Mitouard
Mistress Gwyneth Maeve of Falconguard
Mistress Elizabeth Karien of the Four Winds
Master Hagar the Black
THLady Rivka Vladimirovna Rivkina
Maestra Maria Sol de Leon
Mistress Bennet Murray
Mistress Monika von Zell
Countess Anne Aliz de Bale
Master Juan Balthazar Tegero
Duke Artan macAilin
(2000 edition)
Duchess Kathryn of Iveragh
Master Hagar the Black
Maistre Louis-Philippe Mitouard
Master Juan Balthazar Tegero
Mistress Eirene Tzimiskina Kontostephanina
Baron Timothy O'Brien