Outlands Scribes Handbook
Arch of Caer Galen (BA)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Service)
Scroll Text:
Unto all who come by these letters present do We, __________ and _____________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send joyous Greetings.
Having heard much good of __________ whose constant and devout service has shown forth to the enhancement of good Caer Galen, it is Our pleasure to admit [him/her/them] into the Order of the Arch. [He/She/They] will henceforth be known as a Builder of the Arch, with all the rights appertaining, including the right to bear the badge, to wit: Fieldless, Two goats salient respectant conjoined at the forehooves sable.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
(if the recipient doesn't already have and AoA-level award, add the following before the "Done by our hands" part.)
Further, with the full endorsement of __________ and __________, King and Queen of the Outlands, we wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ________ to consult with the Crown or Their heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.
Book and Harp of Caer Galen (SCG)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (aka Storyteller) (Inspiration to the Barony)
Scroll Text:
Unto all those who come by these letters do We, ___________ and ___________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen, send greetings.
There walk among us good gentles whose grace, wisdom, and bearing do stand as high example to us all. Know ye all by these letters that ____________ is one such person, and stands as a shining example of all these qualities of true worth. We do therefore admit [him/her/them] this day as a member of the Order of the Book and Harp. Henceforth [he/she//they] shall be styled and numbered among the revered Storytellers of Caer Galen. Let them be known by the badge, Fieldless, a bell purpure.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of __________, Anno Societatis ________, being __________ in the common reckoning of years.
Chalice of St. William the Cooper (BCW)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Good works)
Scroll Text:
Unto all those who come by these letters present do _________ and __________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send joyous greetings.
*Cognizant of the great works and efforts for
*Our barony, willing that gratitude for deeds
*Our subjects do be expressed and recognized,
*Know ye all that ________
*Is one who does more for Caer Galen than
*Expected by any stretch of Our imagination.
In recognition whereof, We charge that [he/she/they] be hailed and welcomed to the Order as a .../twice/thrice/etc.] Bearer of the Chalice of Saint William the Cooper. They have the right to bear the badge of the order, to wit: Fieldless, On a wooden barrel proper a chalice Or.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
Golden Nightingale of Caer Galen (CGN)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Arts & Sciences)
Scroll Text:
Proclaim to all gentles and nobles and let it be known by these present letters that We, ______ and __________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send due commendations and greetings.
Just as the powerful, melodious, sweet, rich and varied song of the Nightingale brings beauty to the gardens and fields, so too do the great artisans of Caer Galen bring beauty to our days. __________ has brought such splendor to Caer Galen. It is therefore with great pleasure that We elect to recognize [his/her/their] unequalled skills and talents this day by admitting [him/her/them] to the Order of the Golden Nightingale. Henceforth they have the right to bear the badge of the order, to wit: Fieldless, a nightingale volant bendwise sinister Or.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
(if the recipient doesn't already have and AoA-level award, add the following before the "Done by our hands" part.)
Further, with the full endorsement of ________ and ________, King and Queen of the Outlands, we wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ________ to consult with the Crown or Their heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.
Harp and Chalice of Caer Galen (CHC)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Extraordinary Service)
Scroll Text:
Harps ring and trumpets sound as the words of __________ and _________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen, resonate throughout the hall. Chivalry and gallantry, grace and gentility:
these are the hallmarks of a true and honored subject.
Whereas ___________ has demonstrated through [his/her/their] continued dedication, personal sacrifice, and hard work for love of [his/her/their] Barony, and comportment above and beyond those of mortal beings, We are minded this day to create [him/her/them] a Companion of the Harp and Chalice. We also grant them the right to bear the badge of the order: Azure, a chalice and in chief a harp Or. We charge [him/her/them] to continue to be an example of all virtues we hold dear in this Society.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
Hedgehog of Caer Galen (UCG)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (formerly Foal) (Youth)
Scroll Text:
Unto all who come by these letters present do We, __________ and __________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send Greetings.
We have seen that ________ has proven [himself/herself/themselves] exemplary in [his/her/their] learning, manners, and industry among the youth of Our Barony. We are therefore minded this day to admit [him/her] to the Order of the Hedgehog of Caer Galen. They are henceforth known as one of the Urchins of Caer Galen. Let them declare their urchinhood to all by bearing the badge of the order, (Fieldless), a hedgehog ermine.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
L'Ordre du Cochon Alé (CA)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Doing the Impossible)
Scroll Text:
Unto all who come by these present letters do We, __________ and __________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send Greetings.
Throughout time, those who have undertaken tasks known to be impossible have met with ridicule from the unkind, sighs of pity from the merciful, and derision and scorn from the rest. And yet some few great and noble gentles among us labor ever onward in pursuit of that which cannot be done. Those who are able to achieve these ends are the stuff of legend, living on in the tales of bards long after the brief light of their mortal life has faded and gone. Such a person is ____________ who did ____________ (description of endeavor). Long has this task been thought impossible, not just throughout the Outlands but in regions peregrine and remote. It is in recognition of this monumental achievement in defiance of all chance that We do on this day take and admit [him/her/them] into the Order of the Cochon Alé that all may know of the miracles [he/she/they] has wrought.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
Monkey of Caer Galen (DM)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Joy & Laughter)
Scroll Text:
Unto all those who come by these letters present do We, ___________ and ___________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send greetings.
As the dancing of the merry monkey brings lighthearted laughter to those who watch it play, so too do the actions of certain individuals bring joy and delight to all. It is our great joy to recognize and encourage those individuals who bring fun to all they do. It is therefore that We do invest ________ into the Order of the Monkey. We charge that [he/she/they] continue to bring the same level of festivity and frolic to all, leaving always in [his/her/their] wake a trail of stardust and the memory of happy music. For now until the end of time, they can bear the badge of the order, to wit: Fieldless, a monkey rampant contourny azure, collared and chained Or.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
Order of the Golden Banana
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Service)
Scroll Text:
The wealth of Caer Galen lies not only in the gold of its coffers but in the spirit and efforts of its citizens. While the gleam of precious metal is easily seen, some deeds may go unnoticed. The award of the Golden Banana, sacred fruit of Caer Galen, will proclaim unto all, the actions of those who are diligent, industrious and generous, so that all may know of their worth. We are humbled and proud to present ________ as a member of this order.
Done by our hands this ___________.
Poignard Noir of Caer Galen (BPN)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Service to the Coronets)
Scroll Text:
Unto all those who come by these letters present do We, ___________ and __________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send Greetings.
Let all know that the vast and diverse service given to Ourselves and the Barony of Caer Galen by ___________, spanning nearly every field of endeavor within the Society, has been instrumental in the affairs of Caer Galen. We are therefore minded this day to admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Poignard Noir, that all may know of the great deeds [he/she/they] [has/have] done for [his/her/their] Coronet. If they so choose to declare this honor, they may bear the badge of the order, namely: Fieldless, a dagger bendwise sinister sable.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
Saint Cecily with the Cup (BPR)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Heraldic and Bardic Service)
Scroll Text:
Sit at our table and remember with us the vociferous yet valorous deeds of our ___________ (name and title of the recipient) whose notable heraldic skills have been impressed upon our memory. As this tale will be told with fondness forever after, so is it our privilege to conscript [him/her/them] into the Order of Saint Cecily with the Cup. Hereafter [he/she/they] shall be known as a Bearer of the Pinot Noir of Caer Galen.
Done by our hands this ___ day of ___ anno societatis ___ being _____in the sober reckoning of years.
Saint Louis with the Staff of Caer Galen (BC)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Curmudgeon) (15 years of Service)
Scroll Text:
Raise trumpets to ear, and know all ye who come by these large letters that We, ___________ and ___________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send most audible greetings and
Know you all that the ancient gentle who now stands unsteadily before you is none other than the legendary and venerable ___________, whose youth has given way to shrinking bones and graying pate whilst [he/she/they] did dwell within the fair reaches of Caer Galen. We do therefore admit [him/her/them] this day as a member of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Saint Louis with the Staff. Henceforth [he/she/they] shall be styled and numbered among the Band of Right Crusty Curmudgeons of Caer Galen. We confer upon [him/her/them] the right to mutter and grouse, to reminisce and inform sundry green stripling whippersnappers about how much better things were in [his/her/their] day. We furthermore charge [him/her/them] to stand as [he/she/they] has stood, albeit bent and labored by age, a paragon of the virtue that has ever held [him/her/them] in high esteem amongst the less aged members of Our populace. Let all know them by their bearing of the order badge, to wit: Fieldless, a crozier azure.
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
Saint Michael with the Harp of Caer Galen (CBM)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Any Martial Activity)
Scroll Text:
Know ye all who come by these letters present that We, __________ and ___________, Baron and Baroness of Caer Galen send greetings.
It is just and fitting that those gentles who have distinguished themselves in martial endeavor, in the furtherance of their art as well as the example of their virtue, honor, and prowess, should be recognized according to their merits. We therefore admit ____________ into the Order of Saint Michael with the Harp. Henceforth [he/she/they] shall be styled as a Companion of the Bards Militant, with all rights and responsibilities appertaining to that rank, including bearing the badge of the order:
Done by Our Hands this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _________, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
(if the recipient doesn't already have an AoA-level award, add the following before the "Done by our hands" part.)
Further, with the full endorsement of ___________ and ___________, King and Queen of the Outlands, we wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ________ to consult with the Crown or Their heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.