Outlands Scribes Handbook
Baron's Chalice of Merit (BCM)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Service to the Baron)
Scroll Text:
Unto all to whom these letters come, greetings and salutations from _____, Baron of mighty Dragonsspine.
Let it be known that good service and strength of character never should go unrecognized, and that it is the prerogative of the Baron to reward such conduct.
Bearing this in mind, it is His Excellency's great pleasure to raise a glass in toast to _______, and to recognize [him/her/them] with the Baron's Chalice of Merit.
Done by my hand this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ Gregorian.
Baroness' Degree of Elegance (BDE)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Service to Baroness)
Scroll Text:
Warmest greetings to all to whom these letters may come, from _____, Baroness of Dragonsspine.
It is the right and pleasure of the Baroness to reward those gentles who embody the values of courtesy and of graciousness, and whose kind service has been of great benefit to the Barony and to herself. Let all know that the good works and demeanor of ________ have not gone unnoticed.
It is thus Her Excellency's great pleasure to recognize [him/her/them] with the Baroness' Degree of Elegance, that all may know of the great worth of [his/her/their] gracious conduct.
Done by my hand this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ Gregorian.
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine (CDB)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Arts & Sciences)
Scroll Text:
Come forth and hearken to the words of ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine.
It is our prerogative to recognize those who have enriched our Barony through their excellence in the practice and teaching of the Arts and Sciences.
Know this day that we do create _________ as a Companion of the Dragon's Blood in recognition of [his/her/their] contribution to the Arts in Dragonsspine. Henceforth [he/she/they] shall have the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: Azure, goutty d'Or, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.
In testimony whereof we set our hands this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being the ______ year of the Gregorian calendar.
Dragon's Claw of Dragonsspine (CDCD)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Armored Combat)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
We, _____ & ______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine, send Greetings unto all to whom these presents shall come.
Whereas, by advice and counsel, ________ has been found worthy of great renown, and whereas it is right and proper for those who have shown excellence in the Arts of War to be recognized and honored, we do hereby prefer and create [him/her/they] as a Companion of the Dragon's Claw, to fulfill all duties and possess all rights pertaining thereunto, including the right to bear the badge of the order, to wit: Azure, a dragon's gambe bendwise and couped at the thigh, Or.
Done by our hands this ___ day of ______, Anno Societatis ___, being ____ Gregorian.
Version 2
Unto all to whom these present letters shall come do we, ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of mighty Dragonsspine, send Greetings.
It has long been the custom of the Barony of Dragonsspine to commend and honor those who have shown excellence in the Arts of War. Whereas _______ has distinguished [himself/herself/themselves] both on the field of honour, and in defense of our Barony, it is our will that [he/she/they] be admitted to the Order of the Dragon's Claw, that all may know of the high esteem in which [he/she/they] is held. We hereby bestow upon [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ all rights and responsibilities pertaining thereunto, {including the right to bear the badge of this Order: Azure, a dragon's gambe bendwise and couped at the thigh, Or}.
In witness whereof have we set our hands this ____ day of _______ in the ____ year of the Society, being the _____ year of the Gregorian calendar.
Dragon's Fire of Dragonsspine (DDF)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Archery/Thrown Weapons)
Scroll Text:
We, _____ and ______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine, send Greetings unto all to whom these present letters shall come.
Whereas, by advice and counsel, ______ has been found a steadfast and loyal companion, and whereas it is right and proper for those who have shown excellence in the Arts of Archery to be recognized, we do hereby install [him/her/them] as a Companion of the Dragon's Fire. [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ shall fulfill all duties and possess all rights pertaining thereunto, including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A sheaf of arrows Or surmounted by a dragon's scale purpure.
Done by our hands this ___ day of ____, Anno Societatis ___, being ___ Gregorian.
Dragon's Grace of Dragonsspine (CDG)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Fencing)
Scroll Text:
To all and singular do we, ______ and _______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine, send greetings.
Know all that ______ has distinguished [himself/herself/themselves] by exemplary chivalry, and dedication to the furtherance of the art and skill of the rapier.
We are minded this day to take and admit [him/her/them] into the Order of the Dragon's Grace, so that [he/she/they] shall be honored as is befitting these valiant deeds. Henceforth [Lord/Lady/Noble]_______ shall bear all rights and responsibilities of a Companion of the Order, and shall be entitled to bear the badge: A sheaf of three rapiers sable, surmounted by a dragon's scale argent.
Witnessed in court, this ____day of ______ A.S. ____, being _____ Gregorian.
Dragon's Shield of Dragonsspine (CDS)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Arts & Science/Martial Activities)
Scroll Text:
It's tradition in our barony to recognize those who have shown excellence in the Arts and Sciences, or on the List Fields, or those who have given freely of their time and energy to service for the Barony. It is much more rare to have one gentle excel in all three areas. Today we ______ and _______ Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine do recognize _________________ for this achievement and create [him/her/them] as a Companion of the Dragons Shield. May [his/her/their] Art, [his/her/their] Service, and [his/her/their] Prowess be an inspiration to us all.
Done by our hands this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis __ being ___ in the common reckoning of years.
Gentle Dragon (CGD)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Courtesy & Chivalry)
Scroll Text:
Be it known unto all who come by these presents that _______ and _______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine, send Greetings.
Having observed the honor and courtesy with which our subject _________ conducts [himself/herself/themselves], and wishing to recognize such exemplary conduct, we do hereby prefer and create [him/her/them] as a Companion of the Gentle Dragon. [He/She/They] shall be accorded all rights and responsibilities of this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the order, to wit: Or, in pale a wingless dragon dormant purpure, and a maunche azure, that all may know [his/her/their] great worth.
Done by our hands this ____day of _____ Anno Societatis ____, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
Guardians of the Golden Flame (GGF)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Inspiration/Exemplar)
Scroll Text:
Pray attend and hearken to our words.
We, _______ and _______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine send greetings to all who come by these presents.
For the good and special love we bear for ______ and for the example [his/her/they] good works set for others, we are minded this day to prefer and create [him/her/them] a Guardian of the Golden Flame. [He/She/They] shall be accorded all rights and responsibilities of this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the Order: Purpure, a flame, in annulo five dragon's scales points inward, Or, that all may know of the esteem in which we hold [him/her/them].
By our hands this ____ day of _____, in the _____ year of the Society, being ______ in the Common Era.
Heart of Dragonsspine (CHD)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Enriching the barony)
Scroll Text:
Unto all who come by these words do we _______ and _______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine, send greetings.
It is a joy to see our newest members actively participating within the Barony. They learn new arts, they strive to serve, or they don armor and take the field for the first time. Not only do they do this once, but on such a regular basis, that one cannot remember a time when they were not here. These new gentles are the heart of our Barony. As such, it is our will this day that _________ be prefered and created as a Companion of the Heart of Dragonsspine. It is our wish that you continue on this path, thus enriching our Barony with your presence.
In testimony whereof we set our hands this __ day of ___, Anno Societatis ___, being ____ Gregorian.
Treasured Jewels of Dragonsspine (CTJD)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Archery/Thrown Weapons, Armored, A&S, Fencing, Service)
Armored: Emerald
A&S: Ruby
Fencing: Sapphire
Service: Amethyst
Scroll Text:
There is no set text for this award. Texts are crafted for the individual by the scribe based on what the person is receiving their jewel for.
Pride of Dragonsspine (CPD)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Youth)
Scroll Text:
Unto all who come by these letters do we, _______ and _______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine, send greetings.
Know all that it is right and proper for those young persons whose good work has strengthened the Barony of Dragonsspine, and whose chivalrous conduct has contributed to our Society to be recognized according to their merits. Whereas ______ continues to meet these high standards, it is thus our pleasure to admit [him/her/them] into the Order of the Pride of Dragonsspine. We charge [him/her/them] to continue throughout life in the spirit of this Order and of the Society {and confer upon [him/her/them] the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Or, in pale a wingless dragon dormant purpure and an egg azure }.
Witnessed this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ Gregorian.
Scales of Dragonsspine (CSD)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Service)
Scroll Text:
Every gentle and noble shall know that we ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of Dragonsspine, send greetings.
Having found our subject ______ worthy of recognition for [his/her/their] { years of } service to the Barony of Dragonsspine, we do hereby create [him/her/them] a Companion of the Scales of Dragonsspine. [Lord/Lady/Noble] _______ shall be bestowed with all rights and responsibilities of this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the Order: Azure, five dragon's scales in annulo, points outward, Or, that all may know of the high esteem in which [he/she/they] is [are] held by our Barony and ourselves.
Done this ____day of ______ in the _____ year of the Society, being ______ Gregorian.