Outlands Scribes Handbook
Order of the Argent Hart - Companion (CAH)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Arts and Sciences)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1) _____ and _____, King and Queen of the Outlands,
(2) to all who come by these presents, Greetings.
(3) It is our prerogative to recognize those persons whose constant excellence in the practice and teaching of the Arts and Sciences has enriched Our realm.
(4) We do therefore take and admit ________ to the Order of the Argent Hart {for [his/her/their] outstanding abilities as a ____________} that all may know of the esteem in which We hold [him/her/them]. { We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: Vert, a stag's head, erased and affronty, argent, collared and armed, within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) To which We set Our hand this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
Version 2
(1) ______ and ________, King and Queen of the lands of the Outlands,
(2) to all nobles and gentles who come by these present letter, Greetings.
(3) Whereas, ________ has shown excellence in the Arts and Sciences, {most especially in the areas of/as a _________,}
(4) We are minded this day to admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Argent Hart that all may know of [his/her/their] worth. { We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: Vert, a stag's head, erased and affronty, argent, collared and armed, within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) To which We set Our hand this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
Version 3 (non gender-specific)
(1 & 2) We, _____ and _____, King and Queen of the Outlands, unto all whom these presents come, send Greetings.
(3) It is Our prerogative to recognize those persons whose constant excellence in the practice and teaching of the Arts and Sciences has enriched Our Realm.
(4) We do therefore take and admit _______ to the Order of the Argent Hart. {We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the order, to wit: Vert, a stag's head erased and affronty, argent, collared and armed, within a bordure embattled Or.}
To which We set Our Hand this _____ day of ______, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
If the recipient has a registered device but does not have a previous armigerous award, then the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms. We award [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ the right to bear those Arms approved by the College of Arms, (BLAZON) throughout the lands of the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit }. The Herald's Confirmation of Arms must be added after the signature of the King and Queen if the scroll is conferring Arms:
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the Arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME)
White Stag Principal Herald
If the recipient has no previous armigerous award, and no registered Arms, the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ to consult with Ourselves and Our heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.}
Argent Hart Achievement of Arms
The Argent Hart scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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Award of Arms
[Precedence: Award of Arms]
Standard: Use when there is a specific Crown and recipient. There are variations for the recipient having registered arms or having no registered arms.
Promissory: Use when there is no specific Crown or recipient.
Standard Scroll Text:
Use these lines for each of the variations listed below.
(1) Unto all who come by these letters do [We]
(2) _________ and _________, King and Queen of the Outlands, send Greetings.
Version 1
(3) Whereas it is Our right to recognize those persons who have contributed greatly to the Society and to Our Realm,
(4) We are minded this day to bestow upon Our loyal subject, ___________ an Award of Arms. We convey to [him/her/them] all rights of this rank, and charge that its responsibilities continue to be fulfilled.
Version 2
(3) Whereas it has come to Our notice that through diverse great efforts ________ has considerably enriched our realm,
(4) it is thus Our pleasure to recognize these achievements with an Award of Arms. At this time We convey all rights and charge that the responsibilities of this rank continue to be met.
For a promissory Award of Arms (given when the recipient has no registered Arms) use the following:
{It is Our will that [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ consult with Ourselves and Our heralds in the creation of suitable and unique Arms, that [he/she/they] might bear these Arms throughout the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit.}
For the final Award of Arms, use the following:
{The College of Arms having approved (BLAZON) for [his/her/their] sole and exclusive use, We award [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____________ the right to bear these Arms throughout the lands of the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit.}
(5) In witness whereof, We set our sign {and seal} on this _________ day of ________, Anno Societatis _________, Being ________ Gregorian.
___________, White Stag Principal Herald
Promissory Scroll Text:
Version 1
Full line blank for names of Crown
(1 & 2) King and Queen of these fair Outlands send Greetings.
(3) Whereas it is Our right to recognize those persons who have contributed greatly to the Society and to Our Realm,
(4) We are minded this day to bestow upon Our loyal Subject, (Full line blank for name of Recipient an Award of Arms). We convey all rights of this rank, and charge that its responsibilities continue to be fulfilled. We further charge Our subject to consult with Ourselves and Our heralds in the creation of suitable and unique Arms.
(5) By Our Hands this ______ day of _________, A.S. ______, being ______ in the Common Era.
Version 2
Full line blank for names of Crown
(1 & 2) King and Queen of the Outlands send greetings to all who come by these present letters.
Full line blank for name of recipient
(3) Whereas it has come to Our notice that through divers great efforts you have considerably enriched Our realm,
(4) it is thus Our pleasure to recognize these achievements with an Award of Arms. At this time We convey all rights and charge that the responsibilities of this rank continue to be met. We further charge you to consult with Ourselves and Our Heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms, { that you might bear these Arms throughout the Known World as a sign of your great merit}.
(5) Done by Our Hands on this _____ day of _________, Anno Societatis _______, being ______ Gregorian.
Award of Arms Achievement of Arms
The shield emblazoned with the arms, only. No helm is used.
Promissory Award of Arms Achievement of Arms
No specific Crown or recipient
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Doe and Mountain
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (15 years Arts and Sciences)
Scroll Text:
_________ and __________, King and Queen of the Outlands, to all who come by these presents, Greetings.
It is our prerogative to recognize those persons whose consistent and continued skills and dedication to the Arts & Sciences in the Outlands for 15 years or more has served Our Realm.
We do therefore and take __________ to the Order of the Doe and Mountain that all may know of the esteem in which we hold [him/her/them]. We further grant [him/her/them] the right to bear the insignia of the Order.
To which We set Our hands this _____ day of _______, Anno Societatis ________, being _________ Gregorian.
Doe and Mountain Achievement of Arms
The Doe and Mountain scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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Order of the Golden Pheon - Companion (CGP)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Archery/Thrown Weapons)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1) To those who come by these letters:
(2) know ye that We, _______ and ______, King and Queen of this fair Kingdom of the Outlands,
(3) would fain honor ____________ for [his/her/their] superior [skill/service] in [Archery/Thrown Weapons].
(4) Thus We are minded to make [him/her/them] a Companion of the Golden Pheon. We bestow upon [him/her/them] all rights and responsibilities attendant upon this rank, { including the right to bear the badge of the Order: Vert, a pheon inverted environed of a stag's attire, all within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) Done by Our hands this day of __________, A.S. _______ being ___ in the common era.
Version 2 (non gender-specific)
(1) Unto all who come to read these present letters do
(2) We ______ and ______, King and Queen of the Outlands, send Greetings.
(3) Know ye that _______ has demonstrated superior [skills/service] in [Archery/Thrown Weapons],
(4) and it is Our desire to honor Our subject with admittance to the Order of the Golden Pheon, with all attendant rights and responsibilities. {We further bestow the right to bear the badge of the Order to wit: Vert, a pheon inverted environed of a stag's attire, all within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) In witness whereof, We set Our Hand this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common era.
If the recipient has a registered device but does not have a previous armigerous award, then the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms. We award [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ the right to bear those Arms approved by the College of Arms, (BLAZON) throughout the lands of the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit }. The Herald's Confirmation of Arms must be added after the signature of the King and Queen if the scroll is conferring Arms:
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the Arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME)
White Stag Principal Herald
If the recipient has no previous armigerous award, and no registered Arms, the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ to consult with Ourselves and Our heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.}
Golden Pheon Achievement of Arms
The Golden Pheon scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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Order of the Silver Stirrup - Companion (CSS)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Equestrian)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1) One and all shall know that
(2) We _____, King, and _____, Queen of the Outlands send Greetings.
(3) Recognizing the unique contributions of those who excel in the Equestrian Arts,
(4) We are therefore minded this day to prefer and create _______ as a Companion of the Silver Stirrup. From this day hence, [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ shall be endowed with all rights and responsibilities of this rank, {including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Vert, a stirrup argent within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) In testimony whereof have We set Our hands this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ by the Gregorian calendar.
Version 2
(1) To all who come by these letters,
(2) know ye that We, _______ and ______, King and Queen of the Outlands,
(3) would fain honor ____________ for [his/her/their] superior skill in the Equestrian Arts.
(4) Thus We are minded to make [him/her/them] a Companion of the Silver Stirrup. We bestow upon [him/her/them] all rights and responsibilities attendant upon this rank, { including the right to bear the badge of the Order: Vert, a stirrup argent within a bordure embattled Or. }
(5) Done by Our hands this day of __________, A.S. _______ being ___ in the common era.
If the recipient has a registered device but does not have a previous armigerous award, then the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms. We award [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ the right to bear those Arms approved by the College of Arms, (BLAZON) throughout the lands of the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit }. The Herald's Confirmation of Arms must be added after the signature of the King and Queen if the scroll is conferring Arms:
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the Arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME)
White Stag Principal Herald
If the recipient has no previous armigerous award, and no registered Arms, the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ to consult with Ourselves and Our heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.}
Silver Stirrup Achievement of Arms
The Silver Stirrup scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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Order of the Silver Tyne - Defender (DST)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Rapier Combat)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1) Let it be known unto all to whom these present letters shall come that
(2) We _______ and ___________, King and Queen of the fair and glorious Outlands send greetings.
(3) Having heard much good of Our servant ______ who has distinguished [himself/herself/themselves] by [his/her/their] great skill with the rapier and divers acts of courtesy,
(4) We are minded this day to create [him/her/them] as a Defender of the Silver Tyne as a sign of [his/her/their] great worth. [He/She/They] shall receive all honors and privileges as are conveyed by this rank, { including the right to bear the badge of the order: Vert, a stag's attire palewise argent, a bordure embattled Or}.
(5) In testimony whereof We have set Our hands this ______ day of ______, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
Version 2 (non gender-specific)
(1) Let it be known unto all that
(2) We, _____ and _____, King and Queen of the Outlands send Greetings.
(3) We have received many good reports of _______, who is distinguished by great skill with the rapier and by divers acts of courtesy.
(4) This day, We are minded to create Our subject as a Defender of the Silver Tyne, to possess all honors and privileges as are conveyed by this rank, { including the right to bear the badge of the order: Vert, a stag's attire palewise argent, a bordure embattled Or}.
(5) In testimony whereof, We set Our Hand this _____ day of _____, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
If the recipient has a registered device but does not have a previous armigerous award, then the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): [We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms. We award [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ the right to bear those Arms approved by the College of Arms, (BLAZON) throughout the lands of the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit ]. The Herald's Confirmation of Arms must be added after the signature of the King and Queen if the scroll is conferring Arms:
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the Arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME)
White Stag Principal Herald
If the recipient has no previous armigerous award, and no registered Arms, the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): [We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ to consult with Ourselves and Our heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.
Silver Tyne Achievement of Arms
The Sliver Tyne scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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Stag and Chalice (CSC)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (15 years Service)
Scroll Text:
Fall silent and bear witness to these words so that all may know the will and wisdom of _________ and __________, King and Queen of the Outlands.
It is meet and fitting that We should honor and recognize those persons whose service to Our Realm is so unstinting and so varied that all of Our populace must have benefited from such generous works. It is thus that We would make some recompense to Our beloved and trusty __________ for [his/her/their] service to us, Our Ancestors and Our Kingdom for these many years and do take and admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Stag and Chalice as a sign of Our great respect and thanks. {We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: A chalice conjoined to and environed of the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent attired gules).
Done this ______ day of _______, Anno Societatis _______, being _______ in the common reckoning.
Stag and Chalice Achievement of Arms
The Stag and Chalice scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
Stag and Chalice Achievement of Arms
The Stag and Chalice scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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Order of the Stag's Blood - Defender (DSB)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Combat)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1) ______ and ________, King and Queen of the lands of the Outlands,
(2) to all and singular send Greetings.
(3) Whereas, ________ has displayed great skill in [his/her/their] acts on the field of combat,
(4) it is Our will that [he/she/they] be admitted to the Order of the Stag's Blood that all may know of [his/her/their] great merit. {We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: Vert, in saltire a sword inverted proper and an axe argent, hafted Or, surmounted by a stag's head cabossed argent, armed, within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) To which We set Our hands this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
Version 2
(1) Unto all who come by these present letters,
(2) _______ and _________, King and Queen of the Outlands send due greetings.
(3) Know ye that _______ is an excellent [man/woman/person] whose considerable expertise as a fighter has enriched Our realm.
(4) It is thus Our pleasure to admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Stag's Blood as a sign of [his/her/their] high worth. {We bestow the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: Vert, in saltire a sword inverted proper and an axe argent, hafted Or, surmounted by a stag's head cabossed argent, armed, within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) By Our hands this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
Version 3 (non gender-specific)
(1 &2) We _______ and _______, King and Queen of the Outlands, to all and singular, send Greetings.
(3) Whereas, _______ has displayed impressive skill upon the field of combat,
(4) it is Our will that Our good subject be admitted to the Order of the Stag's Blood that all may know of these great acts. {We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: Vert, in saltire a sword inverted proper and an ax argent, hafted Or, surmounted by a stag's head cabossed argent, armed, within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) To which We set Our Hand this ____ day of _____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ in the common era.
If the recipient has a registered device but does not have a previous armigerous award, then the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms. We award [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ the right to bear those Arms approved by the College of Arms, (BLAZON) throughout the lands of the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit }. The Herald's Confirmation of Arms must be added after the signature of the King and Queen if the scroll is conferring Arms:
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the Arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME)
White Stag Principal Herald
If the recipient has no previous armigerous award, and no registered Arms, the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): [We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ to consult with Ourselves and Our heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.
Stag's Blood Achievement of Arms
The Stag's Blood scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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Order of the Stag's Heart - Companion (CSH)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Service)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1) _____ and _____, King and Queen of the Outlands,
(2) to all and singular send Greetings.
(3) Whereas, ______ is a gentle [man/woman/person] whose service {as a ________} has shone forth to the enhancement of the Common Weal,
(4) it is Our pleasure to admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Stag's Heart that all may know of the esteem in which We hold [him/her/them]. {We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: Vert, a heart Or between the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent, attired, within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) In witness whereof, We set Our hand this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
Version 2
(1) Know ye all {who come by these present letters} that
(2) We, __________ and __________, King and Queen of the Outlands,
(3) being well pleased with Our Subject __________ and [his/her/their] constant and excellent service {as ________}
(4) are minded to take and admit [him/her/them] into the Order of the Stag's Heart that all may know of [his/her/their] great worth. { We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the Order, to wit: Vert, a heart Or between the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent, attired, within a bordure embattled Or.}
(5) To which We set Our hand [and seal] this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
Version 3 (non gender-specific)
(1 & 2) We ______ and ______, King and Queen of the Outlands, to all and singular send Greetings.
Having heard much good of ______, whose constant service has shown forth to the enhancement of the Common Weal, it is Our pleasure to admit this gentle to the Order of the Stag's Heart. { [He/She/They] shall receive all honors and privileges as are conveyed by this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the order: Vert, a heart Or between the attires of a stag's head cabossed argent, attired, within a bordure embattled Or.}
We have signed these presents with our Royal signs manual this _____ day of_____ Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the common era.
If the recipient has a registered device but does not have a previous armigerous award, then the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms. We award [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ the right to bear those Arms approved by the College of Arms, (BLAZON) throughout the lands of the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit }. The Herald's Confirmation of Arms must be added after the signature of the King and Queen if the scroll is conferring Arms:
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the Arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME)
White Stag Principal Herald
If the recipient has no previous armigerous award, and no registered Arms, the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ to consult with Ourselves and Our heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms.}
Stag's Heart Achievement of Arms
The Stag's Heart scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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Order of the Trefoil - Companion (CTO)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Shire award: Arts and Sciences, Service, Martial Arts)
Scroll Text:
TREFOIL - Arts and Sciences
Let the populace hearken to Our words that all may know that We, _______ and _______, King and Queen of the Outlands, do wish to honor Our subject ________, who has demonstrated extraordinary talent in the [art/science] of ________, and is held in high esteem by Us and by Our subjects in the __________ of ________. At this time we are pleased to admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Trefoil {and charge [him/her/them] to conduct [himself/herself/themselves] in a manner befitting a member of this company.} {We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the order, to wit: Vert, a trefoil slipped argent within a bordure embattled Or.}
Done by our hands this ____ day of ______, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the Common Era.
TREFOIL - Martial Arts
Let the populace hearken to Our words that all may know that We, _______ and ________, King and Queen of the Outlands, do wish to honor Our subject ___________, who has demonstrated extraordinary dedication to the fighting arts as well as skill at arms, and is held in high esteem by Us and by Our subjects in the __________ of __________. At this time we are pleased to admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Trefoil [and charge [him/her/them] to conduct [himself/herself/themselves] in a manner befitting a member of this company.] [We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the order, to wit: Vert, a trefoil slipped argent within a bordure embattled Or.]
Done by our hands this ____ day of ______, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the Common Era.
TREFOIL - Service
Let the populace hearken to Our words that all may know that We, _______ and ________, King and Queen of the Outlands, do wish to honor Our subject _________, who has demonstrated unfailing dedication and service to [his/her/their] shire of ___________, and is held in high esteem by Us and by Our subjects therein. At this time we are pleased to admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Trefoil {and charge [him/her/them] to conduct [himself/herself/themselves} in a manner befitting a member of this company.} {We further bestow the right to bear the insignia of the order, to wit: Vert, a trefoil slipped argent within a bordure embattled Or.}
Done by our hands this ____ day of ______, Anno Societatis _____, being _____ in the Common Era.
If the recipient has a registered device but does not have a previous armigerous award, then the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms. We award [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ the right to bear those Arms approved by the College of Arms, (BLAZON) throughout the lands of the Known World as a sign of [his/her/their] great merit }. The Herald's Confirmation of Arms must be added after the signature of the King and Queen if the scroll is conferring Arms:
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the Arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME)
White Stag Principal Herald
If the recipient has no previous armigerous award, and no registered Arms, the following may be added after the first sentence in section (4): {We further wish to reward [him/her/them] with an Award of Arms, and charge [Lord/Lady/Noble] ______ to consult with Ourselves and Our heralds to determine suitable and unique Arms}
Trefoil Achievement of Arms
The Trefoil scroll should not have the recipient's arms portrayed unless it conveyed the Award of Arms. If an achievement is used, the shield may be encircled with a ribbon (no chains) from which depends the badge of the Order. The ribbon may be any color but white.
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