Outlands Scribes Handbook
This section lists phrases which can be used to create your own scroll text, or which may be substituted for same type of phrase in the standard scroll texts in the Specific Scroll Texts and Achievements section. Any other substitutions should be approved in advance. The standard variations fall into the following categories: (1) Address, (2) Intitulation and Greeting, (3) Exposition and Notification, (4) Disposition (5) Corroboration (date and signatures), (6) Herald's Confirmation of Arms. You will note, wherever scroll texts are listed in this handbook, that the various sections have numbers that correspond to the categories listed above. Feel free to substitute phrases from this section into any of the standard texts provided that the substitution is grammatically correct, and that the phrases are of the same "type" (they have the same number). Because these phrases have been pre-approved, you do not need to obtain approval for a scroll text created using the phrases in this section. Please make sure that any text you create includes all of the required sections, and that the pieces fit well together to make a logical and coherent text
Standard Parts of the Text
The intention of the following discussion is to describe how unique scroll texts may be created from a given set of phrases. Obviously not all of these parts fit well together as they are presented; their use requires a degree of common sense
As stated earlier, scroll texts tend to be composed of six basic sections. The first is the address which indicates the audience for whom the scroll is intended. The second section is the intitulation and greeting. This portion describes the Crown and its attributes and extends a greeting to those addressed. The third section comprises exposition and notification- who is receiving the award and what they have done to deserve it. The fourth section is the disposition- the name of the award and whatever honors accompany it. The fifth section is the corroboration. This gives the date on which the award was given and the signatures of the Crown. The sixth section, used only on armigerous awards, is the Herald's Confirmation of Arms. Here the Herald attests to the correctness of the Arms or their description
In practice the distinctions between these parts merge. With some options, the greeting and the address disappear and the intitulation is absorbed into the exposition and notification, e.g.: 'Know that We N. and N., King and Queen of these Outlands...'
A text may be generated in this way
(1) Address
Unto all who come by these present
(2) Intitulation and Greetings
We, (First name of sovereign), by right of arms, [King/Queen] of the Outlands and, (First name of consort), [Queen/King] of the Outlands send Greetings
(3) Exposition and Notification
Having observed the many good works and labours of (name)
(4) Disposition
We do publicly commend (him/her) and do hereby prefer and advance (him/her/(name of recipient)) to the Order of...
(5) Corroboration
In testimony whereof We have set Our Hand(s)... in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years
Address (1)
The phrases in each of the following sections may be substituted for the same numbered phrase in any standard text, if you are careful to make sure that they are grammatically correct and "fit" well together
- Acknowledge now the rightful words of
- All nobility, know ye by these presents that
- All shall know {by these presents} that
- All persons being in receipt of these letters shall know that
- Attend now to the words of
- Be it known unto all that
- Be it known to all gentles and nobles that
- Behold the might of
- Come forward all and know that
- Come forth and hear the words of
- Do ye all hear and tell others that
- Due Commendations and Greetings unto all who come by these presents
- Draw nigh, and hear the words of
- Every gentle shall know that
- Exultation and joy mark this day
- Far and wide are carried the words of
- Forasmuch as
- Fondest greetings to all who come by these letters
- Good gentles, hearken to the words of
- Greetings unto all to whom these presents come
- Hear now the words of
- Heralds shall proclaim that
- I It shall be known unto all that
- Joyful greetings to
- Just and wise are
- Justice demands that
- Know that
- Know all that
- Know all by these presents that
- Let it be known to all that
- Let it be known unto all to whom these presents shall come that
- Let all hearken to the words of
- Let now the will of Their Majesties be known
- May it be known unto all that
- May it be known to one and all that
- May it be known to all throughout the land that
- May it be proclaimed throughout Our Realm, and to the very corners of the Known World that
- Now let it be known to all that
- Now let it be known unto all to whom these presents shall come that
- One and all shall know that
- Open wide the gates and proclaim to all
- Proclaim to all gentles and nobles that
- Proclaim unto all that
- Proclaim our words so that the people will know
- Pray attend to the words of
- Quiet that all may hear the words of
- Receive now the words of
- Reason wills that all good gentles attend now to the words of
- Salutations unto all to whom these presents come
- Tell one and all that
- To all to whom these presents come
- To all to whom these {present} letters shall come
- Unto all who come by these presents
- Unto all who come by these present letters
- United under the Stag
- Verily
- Whereas
- We,
- Witness all here present
- Ye all shall know that
- Zephyrs blow gently over the Outlands, carrying the words of
- Zealous has been the service with which [NAME of RECIPIENT] has served Our land
Intitulation (2)
For Queen by Right of Arms: in all the ceremonies the 'default' is that the male is Sovereign and the female is Consort. In the case of a Queen by Right of Arms, the roles should be reversed, with the Queen's name listed first in all documents.
A Note Regarding Argonia
Argonia is the region directly south of the Outlands (Mexico, and points south) and is lawfully claimed by our kingdom. In recent years it has been the custom to use the title "Dread Lord and Lady of Argonia" for the Crown Prince and Princess. Since we only have a Crown Prince and Princess for two months of each reign, that title may be used by the Crown during the other four months of their reign
a. We, (FIRST NAMES OF KING AND QUEEN), King and Queen of the Outlands [send greetings]
b We, (FIRST NAMES ONLY), Rex and Regina Outlandis [send greetings]
c. We, (FIRST NAMES ONLY), King and Queen of these {fair} Outlands [send greetings]
d. We, (FIRST NAMES ONLY), King and Queen of the glorious and mighty Outlands [send greetings]
e. We, (FIRST NAME OF KING), by right of arms, King of the Outlands and, (FIRST NAME OF QUEEN), Queen of the Outlands [send greetings]
f. We, (FIRST NAME OF KING), King of the Outlands, and (FIRST NAME OF QUEEN), Our {Chosen} Queen [send greetings]
g. We, (FIRST NAME OF KING), Sovereign of the mighty Outlands, and (FIRST NAME OF QUEEN), Our {Chosen} Queen [send greetings]
h. We, (FIRST NAMES ONLY), King and Queen of the mighty Outlands, and Dread Lord and Lady of Argonia [send greetings]
- or -
Combination address and intitulation (can be used instead of (1) and (2))
e.g. We, (FIRST NAMES OF KING AND QUEEN), King and Queen of the Outlands to all gentles and nobles [send greetings]
or (NAME OF KING), the mighty King of the Outlands, and [NAME OF QUEEN], his wise and gentle Queen, send Greetings [to all who come by these presents]
Exposition and Notification (3)
After choices of (1) and (2) which form a sentence such as {Unto all to whom these presents shall come, X and Y send greetings.} choose one from each of the sections (A and B) of the options below
Section A
Finding Ourselves in receipt of many good reports of (NAME)
Having heard much good of (NAME)
Having observed the many good works and labours of (NAME)
Having weighed well the works and labors of (NAME)
Right mindful of the high esteem in which (NAME) is held by Our Kingdom and Ourselves
Section B
who has distinguished [himself/herself] by (DEEDS)
who has laboured long and hard in Our Lands
who has made [himself/herself/themselves] worthy of advancement by (DEEDS)
who has distinguished [himself/herself] by (DEEDS)
having greatly improved the lot of Our subjects by (DEEDS)
having given greatly and unstintingly of [his/her/their] skills and energies for (DEEDS)
Or, after choices of (1) and (2) above, which form a sentence such as: {Know that We, X and Y, King and Queen, ... send greetings.}, choose appropriate words [options shown in square brackets] to form one complete sentence
Wherefore We not only by the common renown but also
{ by the report and testimony of our counselors }
{ by our own certain knowledge }
are { [plainly/truly] }
{ [advised/certified] }
and informed that (NAME OF RECIPIENT)
{ has long used [himself/herself/themselves] in feats of arms and good works }
{ has long pursued feats of arms and deeds of virtue }
[ has long pursued good works and deeds of virtue }
and {in all [his/her/their] affairs} has borne [himself/herself/themselves] worthily
{ and governed [himself/herself/themselves] honorably } {and discreetly }
We find [he/she/they] [is/are]
[ well deserved/is worthy ]
to be
and received into the {number and} company of gentles
Disposition (4)
Options for Award/Grant of Arms
Note: Award of Arms and Grants of Arms are different levels of Awards. Do NOT use the word 'Grant' anywhere on the scroll if the award is for an AoA and the actual name of the award is not specified.
After choices of (1), (2), and (3) above form a text such as: {We, X and Y send greetings. Right mindful of the high esteem in which (NAME) {who has distinguished [himself/herself/themselves] by (DEEDS)} is held by Our Kingdom and Ourselves,}, form a complete sentence using the following phrase {shown in curly brackets}
We are minded to make unto (NAME OF RECIPIENT) an [Award/Grant] of Arms in recognition of [his/her/their] service to the Outlands. {specifically (DEEDS) }
and choose one from sections A and B below
Section A
We bestow upon [him/her/them] these Arms (BLAZON)
We bestow upon [him/her/them] the right to bear (BLAZON)
[he/she/they] shall bear: (BLAZON)
Section B
as Arms
within the Society for Creative Anachronism
without let or hindrance from any person
We further [award/bestow] [The Honorable] [Lord/Lady/Noble] (FIRST NAME) all rights and responsibilities conveyed by this station from this day onward.
Or after choices of (1) (2) and (3) above, form a text such as: {We, X and Y send greetings. Right mindful of the high esteem in which (NAME) who has distinguished [himself/herself/themselves] by (DEEDS) is held by Our Kingdom and Ourselves,}, form a complete sentence using the following phrases [shown in square brackets] below
Section A1
{ In recognition of [his/her/their] achievement, do We award/convey the sole right and title to the following Arms }
{ We are moved to [award/bestow], advance and commend [him/her/them] with these Arms }
{ ... and wishing to show what rewards are earned by such service do We [award/bestow] [him/her/them] the sole and exclusive right to bear these Arms }
{ We do award/bestow the following Arms }
{ We [award/bestow] the sole and exclusive right to bear these Arms throughout the Known World }
{ We award/bestow unto [him/her/them] the following Arms that all may know [his/her/their] worth }
Section B1
{ (BLAZON) }
{ to wit: (BLAZON) }
{ blazoned: (BLAZON) }
Section C1
{ to be borne by [him/her/them] and no other throughout the Known World. }
{ to be borne and displayed by [Lord/Lady/Noble] (NAME) and none other in all the lands of the Known World }
Section D1
{ without let or hindrance from any person and the rights and responsibilities conveyed by [his/her/their] elevation to this rank from this day onward. }
Options for other awards
After choices of (1) (2) and (3) above, form a text such as: {"We, X and Y send greetings. Right mindful of the high esteem in which (NAME) who has distinguished [himself/herself/themselves] by (DEEDS) is held by Our Kingdom and Ourselves, We..."}, form a complete sentence using the following phrases {shown in curly brackets} below
{ ... are minded to make [him/her/them] a [Companion/Member] of (name of order)... }
{ ... are minded to create [him/her/them] a... }
{ ... are pleased to bestow upon [him/her/them/(name of recipient)] ... }
{ ... wish to recognize [him/her/them/(NAME)] as a [Companion/Member] of... }
{ ... are pleased to bestow upon (name of recipient) the right to style [himself/herself/themseles] a [Companion/Member] of... }
{ ... do publicly commend [him/her/them] and do hereby prefer and create [him/her/them/(name of recipient)] to the Order of ... }
Corroboration (5)
After forming a text from (1), (2), (3), and (4) above such as {"We, X and Y send greetings. Right mindful of the high esteem in which (NAME) who has distinguished himself/herself by (DEEDS) is held by Our Kingdom and Ourselves, We are minded to make [him/her/them] a Companion of (name of order)"}, choose one each from sections A and B for the Corroboration (you may also choose options from sections A1 and B1)
Section A
{ Given... }
{ Awarded... }
{ Given by Us... }
{ Given under/by Our Hand(s)... }
{ Done under/by Our Hand(s)... }
{ Awarded by Us... }
{ By Our Hand(s)... }
{ All this we do confirm by Our hands... }
{ In witness whereof have We set Our Hand(s)... }
{ In testimony whereof We have set Our Hand(s)... }
{ In witness of the same, We have set Our Hand(s)... }
{ We have signed these presents with Our royal signs manual... }
Section A1
{ and set hereunto Our seal }
{ in Our [Shire/Barony/College] of (GROUP NAME) ] { at the (EVENT NAME) }
Section B
on this ___________ day of ____________
{ in the _____ Year of the Society... }
{ Anno Societatis_____... }
{ A.S.___... }
Section B1: ( NOTE: The mundane era is optional. )
{ _____ Gregorian. }
{ _____ in the Common Era. }
{ _____ in the common reckoning of years. }
{ _____ of the Common Era. }
{ the (two thousandth) year of the Gregorian calendar. }
The space for the signatures of the Crown follow. Please consult with the Kingdom Scribe or the Outlandish Herald for the Crown's preference to 'King' or 'Queen', 'Rex', 'Regina' or other variations of Their titles
Herald's Confirmation of Arms (6)
If the scroll is for either an armigerous award (one that newly conveys an Award, Grant or Patent of Arms) or an Augmentation of Arms and includes a blazon of the recipient's Arms, the following must be included below the signature lines for the King and Queen, otherwise, this section must be omitted. If included, choose one of the following
[I, White Stag Principal Herald of the Outlands, do attest that the said arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms.
[I, White Stag Principal Herald, do attest by my signature that this document bears true arms.
[Being required by Their Majesties to make search in the records of my office for the arms of the aforenamed gentle, I do find that [he/she] may lawfully bear the arms herein mentioned. In witness whereof I, White Stag Principal Herald, set my hand.
[The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME).
[The White Stag Principal Herald testifies that the armories depicted and blazoned herein belong unto the said (NAME) to use, bear, and show forth at all times.
[In obedience to the command of Their Majesties I have made search in the registers and records of my office and do find that the aforesaid (NAME) may lawfully bear these arms. In witness whereof I, White Stag Principal Herald, set my hand.
If space does not allow for one of the longer confirmation of arms phrases, a space may be left for White Stag to sign. {i.e., ____________________, White Stag Principal Herald }
Or, if this section is to be included, choose one from each section (A and B)
Section A
{ Their Majesties requiring of me }
{ Being required by Their Majesties }
to make search in the registers and records of my office, I do find that the aforesaid (NAME) may lawfully bear these arms
Section B:
In witness whereof and by virtue of the office of White Stag Principal Herald I have
{ signed these presents {and thereunto set the seal of my office} }
{ signed with my hand {and sealed with my seal} }
{ hereunto set the seal of my office }
{ hereunto subscribed my name {and likewise set the seal of my office} }.
Because this section is placed after the signature lines for the Crown, it can sometimes create an unbalanced look to the scroll. Some solutions to this are to use a smaller nib size and/or a different ink color for the confirmation of arms. It is also permissible for those scrolls which require the signature of White Stag to leave out the confirmation of arms, and include just a signature line labeled "White Stag", "White Stag Principal Herald" or "White Stag Principal Herald of the Outlands"