Outlands Scribes Handbook - al-Barran

Antares Kano of al-Barran (CAK)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Newcomers)

What for: Given for outstanding service by a newcomer

Scroll Text:

Ring out glad tidings across the land, for __________________________ has found [his/her/their] home in the embrace of the Scorpion.

It is our duty as Baron and Baroness of al-Barran to recognize such excellent service, creativity and courage in one who has been with us so short a time. We therefore admit [him/her/them] into the Order of Antares Kano. Our desert skies would surely be darker without the light of [his/her/their] special star. { Furthermore, we convey the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: (BLAZON), that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

Given this ____ day of _____, AS _____, being _____ in the common era.


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Desert Fawn of al-Barran (CDF)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Youth)

What for: Award given to those members fifteen years of age and under who have consistently demonstrated the ideals of nobility, virtue, and grace in their behavior.
Badge: (Fieldless) A wheel sable charged with a doe lodged guardant Or. The Order carries neither arms nor precedence.

Desert Fawn - al-Barran

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Scroll Text:

(1 & 2) We, _____ and ______, Baron and Baroness of al-Barran, by the grace of Their Royal Majesties, ______ and ______ , send greetings.

(3) Know ye that for the good and laudable behavior and service which our beloved and trusty ________ has lately rendered to us in our Barony of al-Barran,

(4) we reward [him/her/them] by recognizing and admitting [him/her/them] as a Companion of the Desert Fawn. { We hereby convey the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A wheel sable charged with a doe lodged guardant Or, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

(5) In witness whereof we set our hands this __ day of __ , A.S. ___ be it ___ in the common era.


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Espada de Oro of al-Barran (CEO)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Fencing)

What for: Awarded for excellence in the art of fencing.
Badge: (Fieldless) Two rapiers inverted in saltire surmounted by a scorpion Or.

Espada de Oro - al-Barran

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Scroll Text:

(1) To all present, or to come, whom these letters shall see or hear,

(2) ________ and _________, Baron and Baroness of al-Barran send greetings.

(3) Be it known that the Order of the Espada de Oro exists to recognize and honor those persons who have demonstrated excellence in the art and knowledge of fencing. Whereas _________ has shown such worthiness,

(4) we hereby prefer and create [him/her/them] a Companion of the Espada de Oro and charge [him/her/them] to evermore uphold the name of this good company. {Further, we convey the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Two rapiers inverted in saltire surmounted by a scorpion Or, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

(5) Done by Our hand this ____ day of ______, A.S. _____, being _____ in the common era.


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Golden Tassel of al-Barran
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] ()

What for: Given for military units within the barony whom they feel have demonstrated excellence in organization, unit spirit, and contribution to the war effort of foreign wars.
Badge/Insignia: a tassel that is rendered in gold and bound by a braided cord rendered in the baronial colours of black, gold, and white to be affixed to the unit’s banner or signum

Scroll Text:

Text Not Available

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Hammer of al-Barran (DHA)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Fighting Arts)

What for: Award given to those persons who have demonstrated abilities in the fighting arts. The holders of this Order are styled as Companions of the Hammer of al-Barran.
Badge: Badge is any rendition of Thor's Hammer.
Notes: A scroll does not ordinarily accompany this award, but if one is desired, use the Mix-and-Match section to create a suitable text or the text that follows:

Scroll Text:

A scroll does not ordinarily accompany this award, but if one is desired, use the Mix-and-Match section to create a suitable text or the text that follows:

Their Excellencies, The Right Honorable Baron and Baroness of al-Barran, ____ and _____, send unto our Cousins, the Barons and Baronesses of the Outlands and to all others to whom these presents shall come greeting:

Whereas the great armies of al-Barran have ever strode forth in fire and might across battle fields innumerable, and whereas the fist of al-Barran's might has ever smote down her enemies in battle glorious, and whereas _________ has ever been a Hammer of Destruction, crushing al-Barran's enemies against the anvil of the Outlands, we are pleased to recognize [his/her/their] prowess and spirit upon the field of war and admit [him/her/them] into the Order of the Hammer of al-Barran and name him a Defender of the Hammer.

[If the person doesn't already have an award of arms include the following:]

We also, with the beneficent permission of Their Most Royal Majesties, _____King and _____Queen, award and bestow arms upon [Lord/Lady/Noble] ________. We command [him/her/them] to consult with our Scorpion Pursuivant that [he/[she] may devise a suitable blazon and emblazon, which after registration by the College of Arms, ________ shall carry for [his/her/their] sole and exclusive use throughout our lands and the lands of all the world.

[If the person already has registered arms but no AoA:]

We also, with the beneficent permission of Their Most Royal Majesties, ______ King and ______ Queen, award and bestow arms upon ________ to wit: [blazon]. Which [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ shall carry for [his/her/their] sole and exclusive use throughout our lands and the lands of all the world.

Done by our hand this ____ day of ____________, A.S. _____, being ______ in the Common Era.


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Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran (CHSA)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] (Exemplary Conduct)

What for: Award given to those persons who, being at all times an example of chivalry, gentility, nobility and authenticity, are most exemplary in the conduct of themselves, to the greater credit and worth of al-Barran.
Badge: (Fieldless) On a scorpion Or, a compass star gules.

Heart of the Scorpion - al-Barran

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Scroll Text:

(1) Hear, read, know and understand that,

(3) _______ shines forth like a star in the heavens, forever on [his/her/their] proper path, reliably blazing so that all may follow safely in [his/her/their] wake.

(4) It is therefore our duty as Baron and Baroness of al-Barran to recognize such worthy nature by admitting [him/her/them] into the Order of the Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran, and we command [him/her/them] to continue to shine as a star in the heavens. { Furthermore, we convey the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: On a scorpion Or, a compass star gules, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

(5) Given this ____ day of _____, AS _____, being _____ in the common era.


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Russian Thistle of al-Barran (CRT)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Arts and Sciences)

What for: Awarded for excellence and contributions to the Barony in the area of the arts and sciences.
Badge: Badge: (Fieldless) A Russian thistle (tumbleweed) bush within an annulet Or.

Russian Thistle - al-Barran

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Scroll Text:

(1 & 2) We, _____ and ______, Baron and Baroness of al-Barran, by the grace of Their Royal Majesties, ______ and ______ , send greetings:

(3) Among other notable affairs of state we consider it to be most important to distinguish those whose excellence in the arts and sciences have enriched our barony.

(4) We, therefore, willing that _____ should be honored, admit [him/her/them] into the Order of the Russian Thistle of al-Barran, that all may know of the esteem in which we hold [him/her/them]. { We further convey the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A Russian thistle bush within an annulet Or.}

(5) In witness whereof we set our hands this __ day of __ , A.S. ___ be it ___ in the common era.


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Scorpion of al-Barran (CSA)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Service)

What for: Awarded for outstanding service to the Barony of al-Barran.
Badge: (Fieldless) A scorpion bendwise within an annulet Or. The award carries with it an Award of Arms.

Scorpion - al-Barran

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Scroll Text:

(1 & 2) We, _______ and ________, by the grace of the King and Queen of the Outlands, Baron and Baroness of al-Barran, send greetings.

(3) We hope not only to embellish but to increase the height of baronial dignity with happy omens when we dispense titles of honor among noble, discreet and valiant persons. Wherefore we have directed the regard of our consideration to ________, who has rendered to us and our barony many, not only useful, but fruitful and honorable services,

(4) We do prefer and create [him/her/them] a Companion of the Scorpion of al-Barran. { We hereby convey the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A scorpion bendwise within an annulet Or, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

(5) In testimony whereof we set our hand this ____ day of ______, A.S. _____, being ______ in the Common Era.


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Scorpion's Favor of al-Barran (BSF)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] ()

Scroll Text:

No Text Available

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Scorpion's Spoon of al-Barran (CSS)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] ()

What for: Given for cooking

Scroll Text:

No Text Available

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Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran (CSS)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Exceptional Fighting Arts)

What for: Awarded to those persons who have demonstrated exceptional abilities in the fighting arts, both in the teaching and in the use of traditional SCA-style weaponry.
Badge: (Fieldless) A scorpion statant brandishing a scimitar, within an annulet Or.

Scorpion's Sting - al-Barran

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Scroll Text:

(1) To all present and to come, whom these letters shall see or hear,

(2) We, ______ and _______, Baron and Baroness of al-Barran in the Kingdom of the Outlands, greetings and all humble commendations.

(3) Equity wills and reason ordains that fighters, virtuous and of noble courage, be for their merits by renown, rewarded. Whereas ________ has long pursued feats of arms and as well in this and in other matters has carried [himself/herself/themselves] valiantly and honorably governed [himself/herself/themselves] so that [he/she/they] has well deserved and is worthy that

(4) henceforth forever be in all places counted, received, acknowledged, and admitted into the Order of the Scorpions Sting. { We accord all privileges of this station, including the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: A scorpion statant brandishing a scimitar, within an annulet Or, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

(5) In testimony whereof We set Our Hand this ___ day of _____ Anno Societatis ____ being ______ in the Common Era.


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Silver Dagger of al-Barran (CSD)
[Precedence: Non-armigerous award] ()

Notes: Originally named Scorpius Punctum

Scroll Text:

No Text Available

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Watch Fire of al-Barran (CWF)
[Precedence: Award of Arms] (Archery/Thrown Weapons)

What for: Awarded for excellence in the art of archery.
Badge: Sable, a flame environed of ten pheons in annulo points inward Or.

Watchfire- al-Barran

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Scroll Text:

(Intro) Strong and sure is the marksman's bow. Swift and deadly is his aim. Graceful and true is the flight of his arrow when called forth in times of need.

(1) Let all who read or hear these letters, pay heed.

(2 & 3) Whereas, _________ has shown great knowledge and skill in the discipline of archery, we, ______ and ______, Baron and Baroness of al-Barran,

(4) are minded to admit [him/her/them] as a Companion of the Watchfire. We charge [him/her/them] to continue to hone [his/her/their] skill in defense and in honor of our great Barony. { Furthermore, we confer unto [Lord/Lady/Noble] _____ the right to bear the badge of the Order, to wit: Sable, a flame environed of ten pheons in annulo points inward Or, that all may know of the esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.}

(5) Done by our hand this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ___, being ___ in the common era.


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