Outlands Scribes Handbook
Appendix 4 : Scribal Suppliers
Calligraphic and Book Arts Supplies
John Neal Booksellers
1833 Spring Garden St., Greensboro, NC 27403
(800) 369-9598 - phone, (910) 272-9015 - fax
JNealBooks@aol.com http://www.johnnealbooks.com
Wide range of calligraphy books and artists materials, pens, and inks. Supplier for over 15 years. Catalog is available by request.
Paper & Ink Arts
PO Box 35, 3 North Second Street, Woodsboro, MD 21798
(800) PEN-7772 - phone, (800) PEN-7773 - fax
paperinkbk@aol.com http://www.paperinkarts.com
A variety of books and materials for calligraphy and the book arts
Colophon Book Arts Supply
3611 Ryan Road, SE; Lacey, WA 98503-3860
(360) 459-2940 - phone, (360) 459 2945 - fax
Complete line of supplies for marbling, suminagashi and hand bookbinding. Catalog $2.00
213 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001-1996
(212) 736-7744
Book arts supplies, catalogue available for $5 prepaid.
The Gabriel Guild
6 North Pearl Street, Suite 404 E, Port Chester, NY 10573
(914) 835-7386 or (914) 939-7269
Traditional artist�s supplies
Master John the Artificer (John Rose)
250 Emerson Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Period pigments
Sinopia Pigments and Materials
3385 22nd Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 824-3180 - phone, (415) 824-3280 - fax
Powdered pigments, binders, and other materials
Thompson Conservation Laboratory
Jack C. Thompson
7549 N. Fenwick, Portland, OR 97217
tcl@teleport.com http://www.teleport.com/~tcl
General Art Supplies
Daniel Smith
4130 First Ave. South, Seattle, WA 98134-2302
(800) 426-6740
General art supplies, papers, paints, brushes.
Dick Blick Art Materials
P.O. Box 1267, Galesburg IL 61402-1267
(800) 447-8192 - phone, (800) 621-8290 - fax
General art supplies, papers, paints brushes, gold leaf. Catalog available on request.
Papers and Parchment
Rick Cavasin
68 Lightfoot Place, Kanata, Ontario, K2L 3L9, Canada
Handmade parchment and vellum of various thicknesses, made from goat, sheep, calf. Dyed parchment in various colors, and sample packs are available. Check out his very informative web site.
P.O. Box 143, Brookston, IN 47923
(800) 757-TWIN (8946) or (765) 563-3119 - phone, (765) 563-TWIN (8946) - fax
Handmade papers and papermaking supplies. Can provide gelatine sized paper (more period than modern internally sized paper), and will make custom paper to your specifications.
Paper Source
232 W. Chicago Ave, Chicago IL 60610 - (312) 337-0798
and 1810 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge MA 02140 - (617) 497-1077
Over 1000 kinds of papers, and bookbinding supplies. Also mail order with swatches available.
Dolphin Papers
1125 Brookside Ave. G-900, Indianapolis, IN 46202
(800) 346-2770
Good prices on acid-free papers for printmaking, drawing and painting. Arches, Rives, Fabriano,
Richard de Bas, Larroque, Lenox, others. Free catalogue and price list on request.
Paper Connection International
208 Pawtuxet Avenue, Cranston RI 02905
(401) 461-2135 - phone, (401) 454-1436 - fax
Wholesale, mail-order distributors of mainly Japanese handmade papers. also Nepalese, Indian handmades.