Outlands Scribes Handbook

Baronial Investiture (New Barony)

What for: Used for the creation of a new barony.

Scroll Text:

Unto Our Subjects of (Barony) who have faithfully served Us and Our Kingdom, Greetings. For the good of the Realm, and in accordance with Our Laws and customs, We are pleased to announce that We hereby approve your petition to become a Barony. Let it be proclaimed that We are firm in our resolve that the name of (Barony) be entered as a Barony in the Book of Our Realm.

So say We, _____, King, __________, Queen, at (event) this ___ day of ______, Anno Societatis ______, being ______Gregorian


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Coronet Investiture (version 1)

Scroll Text:

Know all that ___ and ___, King and Queen of the Outlands, have found __________ to be well respected, courteous and virtuous subjects of Our Barony of (Barony) who have demonstrated both their willingness to serve and the support of the populace.

Therefore it is Our will that they be entrusted with Our fief, the Barony of (Barony). We hereby invest, distinguish and ennoble _________ with the dignities, honors, rights, and responsibilities belonging to the estate of a Territorial Baron and Baroness of Our Realm.

We charge them to care well for our lands and our people, and to fulfill all other responsibilities of this most worthy office.

In testimony whereof, We set Our hands this ____ day of ____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.


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Coronet Investiture (version 2) [newly formed barony]

Scroll Text:

____ and ____, King and Queen of the Outlands, to all who come by these letters greetings.

Know ye that whereas the Royal throne and the highness of the Royal dignity consists in the multitude of wise and exalted persons, and the government of the Realm is the more established the more noblemen there are under it of lofty estate and eminence. We therefore, in our present Barony of (Barony), directing the regard of our consideration to the premises, and willing to augment the number of noblemen by whose counsel our Realm may the more abundantly and sagaciously be directed, have preferred, erected and created, ____ and ____ Baron and Baroness of (Barony) , and confer upon them the right to that style for their natural lives.

Further, We bestow upon them this day the right to forever display the arms of (Barony) in canton on there personal devices, so that all may know the esteem in which we regard them. We do entrust to them our youngest Barony, and charge them to foster and guide our people with compassion and dignity.

Given by our hands at (Barony) , this ____ day of ____, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ by the Gregorian calendar.


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New Group Official

Scroll Text:

Unto Our Subjects who have faithfully served Us, for the good of the Realm, and in accordance with Our Laws and customs, We are pleased to approve your petition to become a [Shire/Canton/College].

Let it be proclaimed We are firm in Our resolve to add the name of (Group Name) as a [Shire/Canton/College] into the Book of Our Realm.

So say We, this ____ day of ____, A.S. ____, being ____ Gregorian


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Archery and Thrown Weapons Rank Advancement Proclamation 1
(Highest Ranks)

What for:

Royal Round Scores are tracked and used to earn Rank within the Archery and Thrown Weapons communities. This allows Archers, Casters, and Throwers to compare their prowess throughout the kingdom and the known world. Ranks are sometimes acknowledged with scrolls to accompany the tassels and cords that show their rank.

Because these are the very highest archery and thrown weapons ranks one may attain in the Outlands, the Crown has graciously consented to sign these scrolls. It is not an official award but a recognition of achievement.


Archers use Tassels in the Rank color bound with knots in the Division color. Atlatl and Thrown Weapons use Cords intertwining the Rank and Division colors.

  • Archers RANK Bowmaster (Gold tassel), Grand Bowmaster (Gold and Green tassel), Royal Bowmaster (Gold, Green and White tassel)
    Archers DIVISION: Open Handbow (Blue knot), Period Handbow (Gold knot), Open Crossbow (Black knot), Period Crossbow (Red knot), Youth Division (White knot)
  • Atlatl RANK: Gran cazador (Gold cord), Cazador maestro (Gold and White cord)
    Atlatl DIVISION: Green
  • Thrown Weapons RANK: Warrior (Blue cord), Weapons Master (Black cord)
    Thrown Weapons DIVISION: Knife (Red), Spear (Blue), Axe (Yellow), Plumbata (Purple), Sling (Orange)
Outlands Archery and Thrown Weapons Site

Scroll Text:

Let it be known to all who come by these letters that (NAME) of (CHAPTER) having shown excellence in the ancient art, practice, teaching of, and service to [archery/atlatl/thrown weapons] in the (DIVISION) Division is hereby presented the Outlands Kingdom [Archery/Atlatl/Thrown Weapons] Rank of (RANK).

We bestow upon this (RANK) the Rights and Responsibilities attendant upon this rank and the Right to bear the (DIVISION)

[Tassel, symbol of the (RANK) bound with a (DIVISION) knot / Cord, symbol of the (RANK) intertwined with a (DIVISION) cord].

Given this (DAY) day of (MONTH), A.S. (YEAR), being (YEAR) Gregorian.



Archer General

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Archery and Thrown Weapons Rank Advancement Proclamation 2
(Novice to Middle Ranks)

What for:

Royal Round Scores are tracked and used to earn Rank within the Archery and Thrown Weapons communities. This allows Archers, Casters, and Throwers to compare their prowess throughout the kingdom and the known world. Ranks are sometimes acknowledged with scrolls to accompany the tassels and cords that show their rank.

Because this is a proclamation rather than an award, the scroll may be signed by the Archer General, Captain of Archery, Captain of Throwers, a Deputy Archer General, the Baron and/or Baroness.


Archers use Tassels in the Rank color bound with knots in the Division color. Atlatl and Thrown Weapons use Cords intertwining the Rank and Division colors.

  • Archers RANK: Novice (White tassel), Bowman (Black tassel), Yeoman (Blue tassel), Forester (Red tassel)
    Archers DIVISION: Open Handbow (Blue knot), Period Handbow (Gold knot), Open Crossbow (Black knot), Period Crossbow (Red knot), Youth Division (White knot)
  • Atlatl RANK: Principiante (White cord), Castor (Black cord), Acosador (Blue cord), Cazador (Red cord)
    Atlatl DIVISION: Green
  • Thrown Weapons RANK: Novice (White cord), Woodsman (Brown cord), Hunter (Green cord)
    Thrown Weapons DIVISION: Knife (Red), Spear (Blue), Axe (Yellow), Plumbata (Purple), Sling (Orange)
Outlands Archery and Thrown Weapons Site

Scroll Text:

Let all who bear witness, that in the kingdom of the Outlands (NAME) has earned the rank of (RANK) on the [Target Archery/Atlatl/Thrown Weapons] field in the (DIVISION) division.

We hereby present a (DIVISION) [tassel bound in (DIVISION) knot / cord intertwined with (DIVISION)] so that all will know and recognize [him/her/them] as a [Archer/Caster/Thrower] of merit.

Proclaimed this (DAY) day of (MONTH) in the year A.S. (YEAR).

[Archer General, Captain of Archery, Captain of Throwers, a Deputy Archer General, the Baron and/or Baroness]

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