Outlands Scribes Handbook
Duke / Duchess
[Precedence: Peerage] (Sovereign)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1 & 2) We,_____ and ______, King and Queen of the Outlands, to all and singular send Greetings.
(3) Whereas _______ has, {as a result of [his/her/their] great valor on the field of honor} {through the valor of [his/her/their] champion}, ruled twice as a [King/Queen] in this Realm,
(4) We do this day acknowledge [him/her/them] a [Duke/Duchess]. We hereby affirm those Arms conferred by Letters Patent registered by the College of Arms, to wit: (BLAZON) for [Duke/Duchess] ________'s sole and unique use throughout the lands of the Known World as a symbol of his/her/their high rank.
(5) By Our hands this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to _______________.
_______________, White Stag Principal Herald
Version 2
(1) Let all know that We,
(2) _____ and _____, King and Queen of the Outlands, in rightful succession to (Past King's first name) and (Past Queen's first name)
(3) do hereby recognize that (Recipient's Full Name) has twice served as [King/Queen] of this Realm. {[He/she/they] [has/have] demonstrated [his/her/their] valorous skills in battle,} {[He/She/They] [has/have] offered [his/her/their] grace and courtesy to all} and given of [his/her/their] wisdom in council and in court.
(4) It is Our will that [he/she/they] at this time be invested as [Duke/Duchess]. We hereby affirm those Arms previously conferred by Letters Patent, to wit: (BLAZON) for [Duke/Duchess] ________'s sole and unique use throughout the lands of the Known World as a symbol of [his/her/their] high rank.
(5) In testimony whereof We set Our hands this ____ day of ____ in the ____ year of the Society, being _____ Gregorian.
(6) I, White Stag Principal Herald, do attest by my signature that this document bears true Arms.
White Stag Principal Herald
Duke / Duchess Achievement of Arms
The helm is gold, with mantling either of the colors or of a principal tincture lined with some species of ermine. A torse of the colors may be used on a helm if the coronet or wreath is not. Crests and supporters are allowed if the recipient so chooses.
With a helm: A coronet of strawberry leaves. A Duchess may have a chaplet of roses on the helm in place of a torse or may have the coronet alone or rising from the chaplet of roses. If no chaplet is used on the helm, a chaplet of roses may be shown encircling the shield. A Duke or Duchess in [his/her/their] own right may use a representation of [his/her/their] own helm.
Without a helm: The coronet of strawberry leaves, atop the shield. A Duchess may encircle the shield with a chaplet of roses or a ribbon depending a medallion displaying a rose or chaplet of roses.
Sample achievements for Duke and Duchess
Achievement with Supporters for a Duke or Duchess
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Count / Countess
[Precedence: Peerage] (Sovereign)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1 & 2) We,_____ and ______, King and Queen of the Outlands, to all and singular send Greetings.
(3) Whereas _______ has, [as a result of [his/her/their] great valor on the field of honor][through the valor of [his/her/their] champion], ruled once as a [King/Queen] in this Realm,
(4) we do this day acknowledge [him/her] a [Count/Countess]. We hereby confer by these Letters Patent those Arms previously registered by the College of Arms, to wit: (BLAZON) for [Count/Countess] ________'s sole and unique use throughout the lands of the Known World as a symbol of [his/her/their] high rank. {Furthermore, it is Our will that she be welcomed into the Order of the Rose as an example of those noble virtues embodied by the Queens of the Outlands.}
(5) By Our hands this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME).
_______________, White Stag Principal Herald
Version 2
(1) Be it known unto all that We
(2) ______ and _____, King and Queen of the Outlands in rightful succession to (Past King's first name) and (Past Queen's first name) send Greetings.
(3) In recognition that Our loyal subject ______ has once served as [King/Queen] of this Realm, offering [his/her/their valorous skills in battle], [his/her/their grace and courtesy to all] and given of [his/her/their] wisdom in council and in court,
(4) We are pleased to invest [him/her/them] as [Count/Countess], to bear all rights and responsibilities of this high rank. We hereby confer by these Letters Patent those arms previously registered by the College of Arms, to wit: (BLAZON) for [Count/Countess] ________'s sole and exclusive use throughout the lands of the Known World. {Furthermore, it is Our will that [he/she/they] be welcomed into the Order of the Rose as an example of those noble virtues embodied by the Queens of the Outlands.}
(5) Done by Our hands this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME).
If recipient is already a peer, change [We hereby elevate, by these Letters Patent those arms previously registered by the College of Arms] to [We hereby affirm by Letters Patent those arms previously registered by the College of Arms] If the recipient does not have a registered name and device, the award may be treated as a promissory and the following portion may be used. Otherwise, omit all reference to Arms, and treat the scroll as a final.
[We further charge [Count/Countess] ________ to consult with Ourselves and Our Heralds to devise suitable and unique Arms.]
Count/Countess Achievement of Arms
The helm is gold, with mantling either of the colors of or of a principal tincture lined with some species of ermine. A torse of the colors may be used on a helm if a coronet or wreath is not. Crests and supporters are allowed.
With a helm: An embattled coronet on the helm. A Countess may have a chaplet of roses on the helm in place of a torse or may have the coronet alone or rising from the chaplet of roses. If no chaplet is used on the helm, a chaplet of roses may be shown encircling the shield.
Without a helm: The embattled coronet, atop the shield. A countess may encircle the shield with chaplet of roses or a ribbon depending a medallion displaying a rose or chaplet of roses.
Sample achievements for a Countess and for a Count who is also a Knight
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Lady of the Rose
[Precedence: Peerage] (Sovereign's Consort)
Scroll Text:
Although the County includes admittance into the Order of the Rose for the Consort of the Sovereign, as set forth in the scroll texts above, the Consort/Queen* may wish to make arrangements for a separate scroll specifically for the Order of the Rose. This is an example of how such a text might be constructed. Before lettering the scroll, please have the text approved by the Kingdom Scribe.
Add (1) and (2) from the Mix and Match section
(3) and (4): Whereas ________ reigned with wisdom and grace as Queen of the Outlands, inspiring all with her beauty and dignity, it is Our will to create in fact, that which she demonstrated by example, and elevate her to the honor and estate of Lady of the Rose as an example of those noble virtues embodied by the Queens of the Outlands.
add (5) and signature lines
*The Outlands does not boast any Lords of the Rose at this time.
[Precedence: Peerage] (Combat)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1) To all nobles and gentles to whom these present letters shall come,
(2) ________ and _________, King and Queen of the Outlands, send greetings.
(3) Whereas, _________ has shown excellence in [his/her/their] feats on the field of honour, rendering high and noble service to Crown and Kingdom in war and in peace,
(4) We are minded to prefer and create [him/her/their] as a [Knight/Master of Arms/Mistress of Arms] of the Society for Creative Anachronism. We do hereby confer and affirm those Arms previously registered by the College of Arms by these Letters Patent, to wit: (BLAZON) which [Sir/Dame/Master/Mistress] ____________ shall hold for [his/her/their] sole and unique use throughout the Known World.
(5) To which We set Our hands this _____ day of ______, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME).
_______________, White Stag Principal Herald
Version 2
(1) Know all to whom these present letters shall come that
(2) We, _____, by Right of Arms, King of the Outlands, and _____, Our Queen, send greetings.
(3) Our loyal subject _____ has demonstrated great chivalry and prowess upon the field of honour, rendering high and noble service to Crown and Kingdom in war and in peace,
(4) We do hereby prefer and create [him/her/their] to the rank and dignity of [Knight/Master of Arms/Mistress of Arms] of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Know ye that We do hereby confer and affirm those Arms previously registered by the College of Arms by these Letters Patent, to wit: (BLAZON) which [Sir/Dame/Master/Mistress] __________ shall hold for [his/her/their] sole use as We have commanded it to be described and depicted here.
(5) In witness whereof We affix Our royal signs manual this ______ day of ______, in the ______ year of the Society, being _____ of the Common Era.
(6) I, White Stag Principal Herald {of the Outlands}, do attest that the said Arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms.
(Signature of White Stag)
If not previously armigerous, replace phrase beginning [We do hereby prefer and create ...] with: [Having commanded Our heralds to devise a suitable Blazon, We do hereby confer unto [him/her/their] (BLAZON) by Letters Patent. Henceforth [he/she] shall have the sole and exclusive right to bear these Arms throughout the Known World.]
If the recipient does not have a registered name and device, the award may be treated as a promissory and the following portion may be used. Otherwise, omit all reference to Arms, and treat the scroll as a final.
[We further charge [Sir/Dame/Master/Mistress] ________ to consult with Ourselves and Our Heralds to devise suitable and unique Arms.]
Achievement of Arms
The helm is silver, with mantling either of the colors or of the principal color lined with ermine. A torse of the colors may be used with or without a crest on a helm. Crests and supporters are allowed.
With a helm: Gold chain or white belt around the shield
Without a helm: same.
The helm is silver, with mantling either of the colors or of the principal color lined with ermine. A torse of the colors may be used with or without a crest on a helm. Crests and supporters are allowed.
Note: Nowhere on the scroll should there be anything resembling a chain.
With a helm: White belt around the shield
Without a helm: same.
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[Precedence: Art] (Sovereign)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1 & 2) We, ________ and ________, King and Queen of the Outlands,
(3) having heard good report of Our subject ________ whose divers
and great talents as a _______ have shone forth to the enrichment of the Common Weal,
(4) it is our intent to advance [him/her/them] in honour and admit [him/her/them] to the Order of the Laurel. We do hereby confer and affirm those Arms previously registered by the College of Arms by these Letters Patent, to wit: (BLAZON) which [Master/Mistress] ____________ shall hold for [his/her/their] sole and unique use throughout the Known World as a sign of the high esteem in which [he/she/they] is held.
(5) To which We set Our hands this _____ day of _______, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME).
_______________, White Stag Principal Herald
Version 2
(1 & 2) _______, by Right of Arms King of the Outlands, and _______, Our Queen and Patroness of the Arts, to all who come by these presents, give Greetings.
(3) Know ye that We, in consideration of the singular noble virtues and accomplishments, alike in courtesy and honour as in knowledge and artifice, of Our subject _______
(4) do hereby prefer and create [him/her/them] as a [Master/Mistress/?] of the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Laurel. We are further pleased to confer and affirm, by these Letters Patent those arms previously registered by the College of Arms, to wit: [BLAZON] for [Master/Mistress] ________'s sole and exclusive use throughout the lands of the Known World.
(5) In witness whereof, we set Our hands this _____ day of ______, Anno Societatis ______, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
(6) I, White Stag Principal Herald {of the Outlands}, do attest that the said arms have been duly
registered with the College of Arms
(Signature of White Stag)
If not previously armigerous, replace phrase beginning [We do hereby confer and affirm...] with:
[Having commanded Our heralds to devise a suitable Blazon, We do hereby confer unto (him/her/them) (BLAZON) by Letters Patent. Henceforth [he/she/they] shall have the sole and exclusive right to bear these Arms throughout the Known World.]
If the recipient does not have a registered name and device, the award may be treated as a promissory and the following portion may be used. Otherwise, omit all reference to Arms, and treat the scroll as a final. [We {further} charge [Master/Mistress] ________ to consult with Ourselves and Our Heralds to devise suitable and unique Arms.]
Laurel Achievement of Arms
The helm is silver, with mantling either of the colors or of the principal color lined with ermine. A torse of the colors may be used with or without a crest on a helm. Crests and supporters are allowed.
With a helm: Laurel wreath used in place of a torse or as a crest, or green ribbon around the shield with Laurel badge, or a Laurel wreath may surround the shield.
Without a helm: Green ribbon around shield with the Laurel badge, "Or, a laurel wreath vert" depending from it, or a Laurel wreath may surround the shield.
Laurel Achievement using Laurel Wreath as Torse
Laurel Achievement using Laurel Wreath around shield
Laurel Achievement using Crest
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[Precedence: Peerage] (Service)
Scroll Text:
Version 1
(1) Unto all who come by these present letters,
(2) ________ and ________, King and Queen of the Outlands, send Greetings.
(3) Whereas, __________has shown through [his/her/their] long and steadfast service to Our realm that quality of effort which is the mark of a peer,
(4) We are minded to advance [him/her/them] in honour and admit [him/her/them] to the right noble Order of the Pelican. We do hereby confer and affirm those Arms previously registered by the College of Arms by these Letters Patent, to wit: (BLAZON) which [Master/Mistress] ____________ shall hold for [his/her/their] sole and unique use throughout the Known World.
(5) To which We set Our hands this ___ day of ___, Anno Societatis ____, being ____ Gregorian.
(6) The College of Arms, finding no impediment to the arms here blazoned, has assigned their exclusive use to (NAME).
_______________, White Stag Principal Herald
Version 2
(1 & 2) ______, by Right of Arms King of the Outlands, and ______, Our Queen and Patroness of the Courtly Graces, to all who come by these presents give Greetings.
(3) Know ye that We, in consideration of the singular noble virtues and accomplishments, alike in courtesy and honour as in distinguished service, of Our subject ________
(4) do hereby prefer and create [him/her/them] as a [Master/Mistress] of the right noble Order of the Pelican. We are further pleased to confer and affirm, by these Letters Patent those arms previously registered by the College of Arms, to wit: (BLAZON), which [Master/Mistress] ________ shall hold for [his/her/their] sole and exclusive use as We have commanded it to be described and depicted here.
(5) In witness whereof, we set Our hands this _____ day of ______, Anno Societatis ______, being _____ in the common reckoning of years.
(6) I, White Stag Principal Herald {of the Outlands}, do attest that the said arms have been duly registered with the College of Arms
Signature of White Stag
If not previously armigerous, replace phrase beginning [We do hereby prefer and create affirm...] with: [Having commanded Our heralds to devise a suitable Blazon, We do hereby confer unto (him/her/them) (BLAZON) by Letters Patent. Henceforth [he/she/they] shall have the sole and exclusive right to bear these Arms throughout the Known World.]
If the recipient does not have a registered name and device, the award may be treated as a promissory and the following portion may be used. Otherwise, omit all reference to Arms, and treat the scroll as a final. [We {further} charge [Master/Mistress] ________ to consult with Ourselves and Our Heralds to devise suitable and unique Arms.]
Pelican Achievement of Arms
The helm is silver, with mantling either of the colors or of the principal color lined with ermine. A torse of the colors may be used with or without a crest on a helm. Crests and supporters are allowed.
With a helm: A crest of a pelican - whole, demi, or in her nest with offspring (vulning herself), or a red chapeau, lined with ermine (white with black ermine spots), or encircle the shield with a green ribbon with Pelican badge, and/or use a pelican as a supporter.
Without a helm: May encircle shield with a green ribbon with Pelican badge, "Vert, a pelican statant and vulning herself argent, beaked and membered Or" depending from it, and/or a pelican as a supporter.
Pelican Achievement with a Chapeau
Pelican Achievement with a Crest
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[Precedence: Rapier] (Sovereign)
Scroll Text:
Coming Soon
Defense Achievement of Arms
coming soon
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