Outlands Scribes Handbook
The Outlands Kingdom Scribe
By Outlands Kingdom law, the Outlands Kingdom Scribe is responsible for the following:
- report to the Crown and White Stag Principal Herald current scribal activities,
- maintain a listing of and monitor the activities of the College of Scribes,
- ensure the accuracy of scroll format and text,
- publish once per reign a notification that all scroll texts must be approved by the Kingdom Scribe,
- publish a list of all scribes who made kingdom award scrolls for each reign
- update the Scribe's Handbook as necessary
In addition to these, the Kingdom Scribe is responsible for providing for the Crown's scribal needs, acting as a resource for local scribes, and fostering the scribal arts within the kingdom.
Deputy Kingdom Scribe for Back Scrolls
The Kingdom Scribe may choose to have a deputy specifically for dealing with back scrolls, although this is not always the case. It is the responsibility of the Deputy for Back Scrolls to oversee the assignment of any back scrolls such as final Awards of Arms, or scrolls for awards given by the Crown when a scroll has not been commissioned in advance. All information on back scrolls, including the name of recipient, type of award, date given, Crown who gave the award, and the scribe who did the scroll, should be recorded by the Deputy for Back Scrolls. This information must be reported to the Kingdom Scribe not less than once per quarter.
Regional Deputy Kingdom Scribes, Baronial Scribes & Local Guild Heads
The Regional Deputy Kingdom Scribes generally act as administrative assistants to the Kingdom Scribe. The Kingdom Scribe may rely on their knowledge of the local scribes when making scroll assignments. As the Kingdom of the Outlands is vast, Regional Deputy Kingdom Scribes, Baronial Scribes and Local Guild heads can be valuable resources in obtaining persona information on award recipients in their local area; they are also all well aware of the confidentiality of scroll assignments and do their best to ensure that information on upcoming awards is not related to anyone not involved in creating the scroll. These individuals are also tremendous assets to the Outlands as teachers and mentors to newer scribes.
The College of Scribes
The College of Scribes consists of all scribes in the Outlands who make scrolls for the kingdom. As used in this handbook, the word 'scribe' is intended to mean the creators of a scroll, both calligrapher and illuminator. A roster of active scribes is maintained by the Kingdom Scribe. Scribes in the Outlands are not warranted and do not report to any Kingdom superior, except the Kingdom Scribe, who reports to the Crown and the White Stag Principal Herald, and the scribes of some groups who serve as officers.
The individual scribes of the Outlands have no set responsibilities. They donate their valuable time, skills and materials in the creation of artwork. The only constraint which is placed upon scribes in the Outlands is that when they are contacted about a scroll assignment before an award is given they must keep that information strictly confidential. They should not discuss awards that have not yet been given in the presence of anyone who is not involved in the making or giving of the award or scroll. If a scribe, upon receiving an assignment, is reluctant to do a scroll for that recipient for any reason, it is best to refuse the assignment immediately, and discuss the matter with the Crown if desired. If other problems arise, they should contact the Crown, Kingdom Herald, or Kingdom Scribe.
Compensation for Scrolls
While there is no charge for scrolls provided for kingdom awards, and no funds are provided by the kingdom to cover materials, the recipient is more than free to compensate the scribe however he chooses to defray costs of time or materials. If the recipient of an award wishes to commission a scroll from a particular scribe, this arrangement will be treated as a private contract between the two individuals.
Scroll Assignment
The scroll assignment procedure operates in this fashion: First the Crown produces a list of prospective award recipients based upon the recommendation of the populace, the peerage, or Their own considerations. Because paid membership in the Society is required in order to receive an armigerous award in the Outlands, this list is compared to the current list of members of the Society within the Kingdom to ensure that the recipient is a paid member. The Crown then contacts the Kingdom Scribe with a list of names, awards, and anticipated dates. The Kingdom Scribe checks all names for accurate spelling, then contacts individual scribes to solicit volunteers who will create the scrolls. If the scroll is for an armigerous award, the Kingdom Scribe will help the scribe confirm the name and blazon of the recipient's device if needed.
Upon accepting a scroll assignment, it is your responsibility as a scribe to do your best to complete the scroll in time, and to get it to the event in time for the Royal Court. If you are not able to personally convey the scroll to the event where it will be given, be sure that you entrust it to someone who can be relied on to give it to the Crown or to the herald who will be running court in time to be signed. Generally, about a week in advance of the event the scroll is to be given, the Kingdom Scribe will contact the scribe asking how the scroll will arrive for the Crown. Hopefully, any problems with scroll arrival can be resolved at this time and the scroll will arrive safely to be given to a very happy recipient in Court. If it turns out that you will be unable to get your scroll to the event, please try to contact the Crown and the Kingdom Scribe beforehand to inform them that the scroll will not be there, otherwise they may spend time looking for you and your scroll.
Mailing Scrolls
If it is necessary to mail a scroll, please be sure that they are well protected. To protect scrolls from moisture you may wrap them in plastic (a large white bag works well). Place heavy cardboard on both sides of the scroll before wrapping for the postal service. You may want to consider sending the scroll by a method that will allow you to track delivery. Too much work has gone into the creation of the scroll and to lose one in the mail is truly regrettable. Allow plenty of time (at least a week) for regular mail.
Confirmation of Name and Device
When a scribe accepts an assignment to create a scroll, the recipient's complete name, name of the award and date the award is to be given are provided. If the award is armigerous, the Kingdom Scribe will assist in providing the recipient's blazon and emblazon if the recipient has a registered device. If any questions arise about the correctness of the name and device, the Kingdom Scribe will answer them. If the Kingdom Scribe cannot answer these, the White Stag Principal Herald should be consulted to determine whether the registered name and device are correct.
The Outlands Wimble site including the Order of Precedence can be searched online from: http://wimble.outlandsheralds.org/